Author Topic: Blockchip Episode 5: The autist strikes back  (Read 12580 times)

you havent been around long enough to know why this drama was warranted, shut up

i've been reading these forums since 2013, shut up. i know exactly what blockchip did and he hasn't done anything like it yet. if you're going to do autistic screeching about him at least wait until he does something rather than just overreacting. my point still stands, this drama has no purpose.

adolf Riddler could rise from the dead tomorrow and make a forum account and people would probably still rush to his defense if he got dramad

adolf Riddler could rise from the dead tomorrow and make a forum account and people would probably still rush to his defense if he got dramad

if you're trying to call me wrong by using this brown townogy well first of all blockchip hasn't killed over 6 million people and secondly no i wouldnt defend adolf Riddler

if you're trying to call me wrong by using this brown townogy well first of all blockchip hasn't killed over 6 million people and secondly no i wouldnt defend adolf Riddler
i knew you would take that literally you dumb bitch

lime boy u smell rly bad

what posts that i've made since i came back make you think i'm trying to start trouble
the posts i made since i came back seem don't seem very rude/inflammatory at all
also you're not really one to complain about people looking for trouble tony

also why do you specify i'm "literally" looking for trouble
do people ever use that phrase in a metaphorical sense
blockchip is posting in the harvest thread again

blockchip is posting in the harvest thread again
this is an absolute outrage, how dare he post in a topic

this is an absolute outrage, how dare he post in a topic
who said anything about outrage, just a warning because everyone with any sense knows A: how blockchip acts and B: what this will eventually lead to

more posts??? gasp
nonstop stuffposting obviously boltster. you're loosing a step

this is an absolute outrage, how dare he post in a topic
"i dont care about what other people post therefore nobody else should"