Author Topic: Thank You, Badspot  (Read 3517 times)

Lol crysis a sandbox game?

In my opinion it's the best, and most addicting, game I have ever played. The ability to go from building ye olde tavern then getting virtually drunk to fighting for your life in a claustrophobic dungeon with nothing but a poorly modelled gun against a you-die-now administrator keeps it fresh and compelling.

So yes, thanks Badspot :D People stating this as an ass-kiss, and not an opinionated view, will be flamed. People who respond to that flame are very stupid, therefore will be flamed again. Rinse and repeat until the internet breaks (type google into google, I have it on good authority) or they stop replying.

If anyone cares, Badspot, with this game, has saved me about $500. Why? I buy a new video game about every other week. I have yet to buy a new one since BLR came out.

I love how the OP got flamed for thanking Badspot for a great game.

What has this community come to?


Sandbox game = Game where you can do whatever the hell you want with a bit of limitation.

Also, this was not an attempt to provoke the release ov v9.  Though I would like it to come out within the month/next month.

Lol crysis a sandbox game?
The sandbox for crysis isn't to great anyway, it's a pain to navigate through in my opinion and is too unstable, also it's boring playing alone... As for Blockland and Gmod, although they are both sandbox games, they're way too different to be compared in aspects of the engine for each which makes a big difference. Blockland's more effeciant in my opinion, you can easily just un-check or check addons, change game modes without restarting the server and you don't have to hold down Q.

Seeing a bunch of barrels fall in crysis is pretty cool

then for nerds thinking what system specs for that computer running crysis while dropping 10000 barrels makes me drool

No you guys are getting it all wrong, A sandbox game is a game where you have no clear way in which you do things, such as oblivion, or GTA series, sure they had missions and such in which you had to complete said task, but not in a specfic way all the time. Bascially a sandbox game is the exact diffrence of a linear based game, so crysis would semi count since there are levels, but they are huge open sandbox levels.


Sandbox game = Game where you can do whatever the hell you want with a bit of limitation.

thats what I thought.

Yep. As long as you can go where ever you want then it's a sandbox game.