Author Topic: #freeredspy  (Read 14597 times)

":cookieMonster:" - OrangeMan³, 4/8/18
here take a :cookie:

Actually I can and do post in good faith.
as long as it doesnt involve pokemon  :cookieMonster:

thinking emoji

seems more like a you problem if you make a post about good faith and then respond with "want a medal"

Yeah I'll take criticism more seriously if it wasn't coming from the guy that said he'd prefer the forum to be populated by trolls over anyone else.

Like "Moral grandstanding", I don't think you know what you're talking about here.

not liking starfishs stuffting up a forum you like = moral grandstanding apparently
its more like moral grandstanding if you call him handicapped and say hes """"""holier than thou"""""" when it really makes you just seem like you're projecting

its more like moral grandstanding if you call him handicapped and say hes """"""holier than thou"""""" when it really makes you just seem like you're projecting

That's really not what grandstanding is but okay

That's really not what grandstanding is but okay
you could always check his other posts or dont take everything everyone says at face value

its more like moral grandstanding if you call him handicapped and say hes """"""holier than thou"""""" when it really makes you just seem like you're projecting
revise this post so it actually makes sense

"That's really not what grandstanding is but okay" - ikethegeneric, 4/8/2018

umm actually it is sweety. thanks for trying

id honestly take a troll over a mature adult on here because trolls make more sense here. call me mental but think about it for a second before you start moral grandstanding on me and virtue signaling to all your epic mature friends

There's less and less reason to post on this forum because its pretty much spiraled into a cesspool of garbage and the majority people don't actually want to have any modicum of civil discussion. Its become a race of "who can act the most handicapped" and buy the most alts, because I guess that's what kids get off to nowadays.

"That's really not what grandstanding is but okay" - ikethegeneric, 4/8/2018

umm actually it is sweety. thanks for trying
this confused me for a second
There's less and less reason to post on this forum because its pretty much spiraled into a cesspool of garbage and the majority people don't actually want to have any modicum of civil discussion. Its become a race of "who can act the most handicapped" and buy the most alts, because I guess that's what kids get off to nowadays.
yeah it is kinda sad but we're all degenerates in the end

There's less and less reason to post on this forum because its pretty much spiraled into a cesspool of garbage and the majority people don't actually want to have any modicum of civil discussion. Its become a race of "who can act the most handicapped" and buy the most alts, because I guess that's what kids get off to nowadays.

Careful bro, you might have just grandstanded me right now!!

orangeman the third doesn't understand blatant irony it seems

Irony =/= sarcasm

"There's less and less reason to post on this forum because its pretty much spiraled into a cesspool of garbage and the majority people don't actually want to have any modicum of civil discussion." - vigil, 4/8/2018

how long have you been on here

Do you read your posts before you post them

or asking someone to fix your glaceon craving
This thread gave me low functioning autism
"if u come back later u will look better lol"
Nix, inh, and piecrust all have an actual special interest to what they post in the furry thread however
Is it possibly because you jerk off to it?
"I swear I don't jerk off to pokemon!!!!!"
I have Intel that the nix has research of glaceons
Nix has posted at least 100 images of "glaceons" or as he calls them, "glacs" on the forum alone. It's not just in this thread alone, as he scatters his special interest to all corners of this Albanian forum
loving a horse carrot with a cum tube is perfectly normal!
Getting an actual girl to forget is disgusting, what do you mean I'm weird?
this is your brain on low functioning autism
This thread is bad
you look loving handicapped with these posts
yes. He lost to a stump

Yeah, its called his loveual desire for a live glaceon
y do people have autism
So much loving autism here
This applies to nix in all situations
"I like to sell drugs in the school parking lot"

Go back to losing in wii sports
Nix you are seriously a loving handicap. Every time someone tries to oppose your autistic statements you try to say "no u" in the most autistic way possible. Please leave the forums and go back to nutting in your glaceon.

Yet that wasn't the ban reason was it? Are you lacking all your braincells after pounding your glaceon plush?

if u did have social skills im sure you wouldn't spread your disgusting special interest everywhere

inb4 he posts a discord screenshot from last april of me saying stupid stuff in response

Orangeman is trying really hard guys, give him some time