Author Topic: real talk: why is kindle fire a successful brand  (Read 2076 times)

I don't think quality is what everyone thinks unova. that's like asking "why do people buy flip phones? iphone is so much better!!!"

I don't think quality is what everyone thinks unova. that's like asking "why do people buy flip phones? iphone is so much better!!!"
Quality is what i'm hoping and a decently cheap android based tablet is what i'm expecting. You can buy a decent android 7.0 tablet off of amazon for 50 and a samsung 5.0 and above tablet for 80.

Cheap, easy to use, powerful enough to get by, can sideload the play store onto it. Definitely pales in comparison to pretty much any other tablet but the price is what sells it.
When you have to force GApps onto it via rooting, the point of it being an android tablet is lost. Might aswell shill for samsung and install Tizen or something on it. The appstore having to be installed manually along with any other google app is the stufftiest part of it being cheap.

Also, to anyone who has said it, kindles run lineage like stuff. forgeters bluescreen when you load hulu and watch for too long.

like said before. the fire tablet is used for the accessibility and ease of use. my folks still use a flip phone for ease of use and less complication then an smartphone. if that's an accurate comparison

Not very. Android 7.0 has some pretty advanced accesability and ease of use options in it's settings menu already - kindle removes most of that in it's fireos updates.

i've worked with a 7th gen fire 7, and no, you don't need to root the fire to get google play on it. you just have to sideload a couple of apps and that's it, done and done

What apps are you sideloading? I've tested them with a gen below that and a first gen. Sideloading also like it would spout errors about google play's api..

I'm sorry What?

I'd still like to know what that's about.

Actually reading it again the first makes sense but not the second.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 09:42:05 PM by Black and White »

Every android phone has PDF capabilities..
thats only if you torrent your books. amazon bookstore integrates directly into kindle (cause that was the original idea after all), and plus theres some hardware design so that its easy to flip pages if you’re using it with only one hand

thats only if you torrent your books. amazon bookstore integrates directly into kindle (cause that was the original idea after all), and plus theres some hardware design so that its easy to flip pages if you’re using it with only one hand
..drag down with your thumb?

Also, to anyone who has said it, kindles run lineage like stuff. forgeters bluescreen when you load hulu and watch for too long.

run fire nexus then


i don't understand why people don't invest just a little bit more money and research into their purchases, i bought a used samsung galaxy note 10.1 2012 edition back in august of 2013 for $250. it was in constant use from august 2013 (running cyanogenmod) all the way to march 2018 (running an unofficial build of lineageos). the reason for failure was due to me hitting the program/erase cycle on the eMMC (the internal storage) causing failure because the chip write protected itself. the screen was fine despite being 1280x800, the performance even on lineageOS 14.1 was actually quite good for its age, and the battery still lasted for 12-13 hours all the way till the end. it lived for over 5 years.

to this day i don't understand why people don't invest a little bit more cash for a tablet for themselves that will actually last several years.
doesn't seem to make sense to buy a $50-100 tablet (depending on screen size) that will just break in a year (often due to the charging port failing) when they can spend $200-250 instead and get an infinitely superior experience as well as an additional often 4-5 years of lifespan, the end of the 5 years which will result in a performance degrade to if you would have just bought a kindle fire instead. whereas if you bought a kindle fire and it lasted 5 years it wouldn't even be compatible with many apps due to its ancient android versions (the newest model of kindle fire runs android 5.1, the latest android version is 8.0 oreo and android P is well on its way).
i could understand if maybe it's your first tablet and you're not 100% sure or you're buying it for the kid who would just break it in 3 months anyways.
but still, pay a bit extra money now and you'll end up saving money in the long term. remember that $10 boot and $50 boot adage? turns out it applies to a hell of a lot more than just boots.