Author Topic: [NeWz} we're at defcon 4  (Read 3158 times)

"There are currently no imminent nuclear threats against the United States at this time, however there are event occurring in the world theatre which require closer monitoring.

The recent chemical attack in Syria has placed both Russia and the United States into a position of possible armed conflict.  While each side accuses and denies, we are beyond who’s actually responsible and almost to the point of this crCIA intensifying independently and creating its own inertia."

this probably means nothing for now but it's still happening

I'd be fine with becoming a ghoul

Smh bought my AR just in time

only 3 more and then we win

i truly believe another nuclear bomb will not be dropped. every world power knows the domino effect of any nuclear attack, since many countries are armed with them.

i truly believe another nuclear bomb will not be dropped. every world power knows the domino effect of any nuclear attack, since many countries are armed with them.
i hope you're ready for the fallout 5 pre-order then
realistic graphics

psh we can do better than 4th place

patrolling the mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter

i wonder how the doomsday clock's doing

i wonder how the doomsday clock's doing
can't wait for it to be 1/60 of a second before midnight when hypersonic missiles, railguns, and other stuff are around

i soulfully welcome our overloads of fallout

When I got this assignment, I was hoping there would be more gambling.

oh wait wrong defcon level