Author Topic: darth c3p0 amazing guitar cover - 2 NEW SONGS!!!!!!!  (Read 9330 times)

 mind if i upload these on soundcloud???

why do you want to listen so bad it was just a forget around recording
also when you upload 2 ear rape versions just to make sure you have a chance of getting banned :ok_hand:

why do you want to listen so bad it was just a forget around recording
becus it has exclamation marks in the title

alright mr big balls i know you think people that dont know how to play guitar are mentally disabled so you gotta ask them every single loving question in a thread in which you already loving publicly shamed them

no i only think you are mentally disabled

action is the height of the strings as compared to the fretboard but apparently you gotta type your response within 5 seconds otherwise your an idiot

low action is the height of the strings as compared to the frets but apparently you gotta type your response within 5 seconds otherwise your an idiot
just type your respond fast then wait a hour and post it duh

just type your respond fast then wait a hour and post it duh
boy he literally just messaged me on discord asking what action is and then said "lol thats what i thought" and blocked me

boy he literally just messaged me on discord asking what action is and then said "lol thats what i thought" and blocked me
im not actually sure what to say

wow this threads gettin spicy!!!!!!!

wow this threads gettin spicy!!!!!!!
oh no
theres two of them now
im outnumbered