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Author Topic: When did you start playing the game?  (Read 2709 times)

my first blf account says may 20, 2009 but im fairly sure i bought it in 2008
first blid was 12976

12k IDs were 2009

august 2009. prob played the demo a couple months before that

I think it was December 2009 or January 2010, I really wish I had kept the purchase email so I knew the exact date. I've realized the BL learning curve is loving brutal though, it took me ~6 years to git gud at building.

Since 2012. I found out about this game when I was searching for lego zombies.

2008 or 2009
When are 7k ids?

I think it was December 2009 or January 2010, I really wish I had kept the purchase email so I knew the exact date. I've realized the BL learning curve is loving brutal though, it took me ~6 years to git gud at building.
youre 15k so youre probably august/sept 2009. my original ID is 18k and i got it in late october

2007, then my friend reminded me about it like 2 years later at the park and I was like "oh yeah i remember that game, i saw ads on youtube for it too" and then i bought the game in 2009ish.

played the demo around 2009 - 2010 and i bought the game in 2011

I legit dont remember but comparing my BLID to others I'd say it was roughly somewhere in 2010.

early 2011/late 2010? (first ID)