Author Topic: the channel awesome groomer was jewwario  (Read 5262 times)

i dont understand what even happened
sum it up, the guy who killed himself could possibly be a love offender and channel awesome knew but kept quiet so that their "image" wasn't ruined.

sum it up, the guy who killed himself could possibly be a love offender and channel awesome knew but kept quiet so that their "image" wasn't ruined.
IDK who or whats happening period i dont know who you're talking about or whats going on

IDK who or whats happening period i dont know who you're talking about or whats going on

Ok do you know what The Nostalgia Critic is? Very popular web show started in the early 2000s. If you don’t know that show then basically don’t even worry about this, you’re probably not subbed to their crud anyway

i know who the nostalgia critic is i just want someone to tell me wtf is going on

IDK who or whats happening period i dont know who you're talking about or whats going on

From Wikipedia
Channel Awesome, Inc. is an American online media production company based in Lombard, Illinois. The company was created in 2008 by Mike Michaud, Mike Ellis, and Bhargav Dronamraju. Channel Awesome operated the That Guy with the Glasses website (often abbreviated TGWTG) until late 2014, when it was replaced by the Channel Awesome website.

Recently, a hugee controversy has sprung up this year.

In March 2018, several former producers alleged via a series of Twitter posts mismanagement and mistreatment by members of the company's upper-management, including the Walker brothers and CEO Mike Michaud. The allegations include a history of loveist comments and verbal abuse by Michaud toward female producers, sale of producer-made artwork without financial compensation, mismanagement of content on the website, and a regular failure to properly communicate with producers or address grievances.[44]

Holly Christine Brown, who served as head administrator and Director of Human Resources, alleges that following a summary dismissal after a surgery, her severance pay
was withheld until she signed a contract prohibiting her from seeking employment at another production company for a period of 2–4 years. Brown further alleges that chief operating officer Mike
Ellis repeatedly threatened her following his dismissal from the company. Then-producer Lindsay Ellis, during the production of the film To Boldly Flee, was repeatedly pressured into performing
looping for a scene in which her character was implied to be raped off-screen by Lewis Lovhaug's character (in reality, her character was being transformed however the dialogue had overtones that she was being loveually assaulted). Due to to Ellis and Lovhaug's protests over the scene's content, Doug Walker rewrote it so the implication of assault was less implicit. Ellis alleges that she was
forced to perform the scene under intimidation.[44] Producer Dan Olson alleges wrongful dismissal after he uploaded a video critical of the Gamergate controversy. Further complaints surrounded
the alleged misallocation of $90,000 in funds compiled as part of an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign; Channel Awesome had promised forty episodes of a game show titled 'Pop Quiz Hotshot', an idea which was conceived by Michaud but resisted by everyone else involved, however only twelve episodes were made (which was the minimum amount required by Indiegogo in order to show    that they'd made an effort to fulfill their promise). Soon afterwards, #ChangeTheChannel began trending on Twitter.

In response to the complaints, several producers – including Lewis Lovhaug (Linkara), Todd Nathanson (Todd in the Shadows), Mike Jeavons (MikeJ), and Daren Jackson (Rap Critic)[45] – left the company. In his departure video, Jeavons expressed his frustration with Channel Awesome management and claimed information was often withheld from the content creators. Todd in the Shadows responded to the criticisms on Twitter claiming "I have seen no lies".[46]

As of April 2, 2018, the grievances have been compiled and made public via a document published in Google Drive. Among them is an anonymous allegation of loveually predatory behavior, including grooming, by an unnamed producer for the website. The accuser, an 18-year-old Jane Doe, further alleges that after informing Channel Awesome management about the abuse, the producer  was dismissed within a period of approximately a year.[47] The unnamed producer was later revealed to be Justin Carmical, who had committed Self Delete in 2014 shortly after leaving the site.[48]  The official Channel Awesome Facebook and Twitter pages issued a response stating that they wanted what was best for their channel and were taking steps to improve their communications with producers.[49]

The statement was criticized by fans and former Channel Awesome producers as they felt the company was not apologizing or taking responsibility for their wrongdoings. Shortly after the statement, more producers including Omar Ahmed (Yomarz),[50] Nash Bozard,[51] Matthew Buck (Film Brain),[52] Tony Goldmark (Some Jerk with a Camera),[53] Elisa Hansen (Maven), Brian Heinz    (The Last Angry Geek),[54] Leeman Kessler (Ask Lovecraft), Heather McDonald (Calluna),[55] Dominic Smith (The Dom),[56] Luke Spencer (Rocked), and Chris Stuckmann[57] announced their    departure from the website, with some citing the website's poor response to the controversy as being part of the deciding factor to leave, dropping the producer count from forty to about ten in a matter of days.[58] The tenth anniversary video they were planning for the channel was cancelled as a result of the controversy.[53]

On April 11, 2018, Channel Awesome addressed a selection of the "most egregious" accusations in a blog post on their website[59] given by some of the former producers, Holly Brown, and the    anonymous source. Joe Vargas (Angry Joe),[30] Lawrence Simpson (MasakoX), Bennett White (Bennett the Sage), Gaming Wildlife,[60] Bargain Boy, Battle Geek Plus, Timid Jester, and Toons These Days parted from the website shortly afterward. Within 24 hours of the site's response blog, all but three of their remaining associated producers had left the website.[61]
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 06:33:52 PM by cblock360 »

Basically tl;dr: All of the “higher-ups” (except for a couple hr) were idiotic starfishs who didn’t know how to communicate, didn’t want to pay anyone, didn’t want creators to ask for anything (like loving water on a film set), didn’t want any of their internal situations leaked (such as one of their members teaching a girl how to have love and then that guy killed himself and they knew about the predatory behavior but pretended he was a perfect guy for views), and the list just goes on and on.

69-page document detailing most of what occurred from the viewpoint of many CA creators
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 06:53:46 PM by Gamefandan »

it just keeps getting worse

so he loveually abused people and then killed himself?
Speaking of it was there an explanation at how he died back then? nvm confirmed Self Delete
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 07:28:24 PM by Filipe »

Speaking of it was there an explanation at how he died back then?

In his locked room he put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger while his girlfriend(?) was on the other side pleading with him not to

In his locked room he put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger while his girlfriend(?) was on the other side pleading with him not to
maybe he got bored of loveually assaulting people in his workplace and decided to loveually assault his gun while it was pointed the wrong way