I accidentally a new art style

Author Topic: I accidentally a new art style  (Read 2877 times)

I'm working on brick tessellation 2.0 and I decided to set everything to the extreme to see if it had any effect on Vram.
No effect on Vram, but it does have an interesting look to it.

Looks like real LEGO's in some places. But really is very amazing and unusual.

i feel uncomfortable
that is pretty neat tho

the flag on the school tho

This actually looks very cool on the right surfaces

In some of these screenshots, these work perfectly. However, in some screenshots like the ground in ACM, glass and the flag, it looks a little iffy

Other than that, amazing.

i like the bricks that aren't affected

holy stuff thats cool
the grayer bricks look like foam and it looks awesome

I decided to set everything to the extreme
so this is like the Hero of Kvatch of blocks

make this abomination work on bigger bricks

first two pictures: hey this would look actually neat just turn it down juust a little bi-
third picture: Please. Lower it. The Ground. Oh No The ground.