Random item event spawner.

Author Topic: Random item event spawner.  (Read 5126 times)

I'm guessing this might be the kind of thing you're looking for.


You have to set up item spawns somewhere on the map though, at least I think you do, but if you can hide them then that'll be fine.

No I want to spawn random items from a brick.

When you click on a brick an item shoots out of it

No I want to spawn random items from a brick.

When you click on a brick an item shoots out of it
You can do this with default events.

If it was actually good I wouldn't have asked for a proper randomizer.
Can you stop being an asswipe and be specific on what is wrong

Can you stop being an asswipe and be specific on what is wrong

I'm sorry I thought he was giving me a sarcastic attitude.

I haven't got around to redownloading it yet.

No I want to spawn random items from a brick.

When you click on a brick an item shoots out of it
That's what it does, it spawns a random item in a colour category you set.

That's what it does, it spawns a random item in a colour category you set.

I just want to make it clear if we are not confusing spawnitem and setitem.

I just want to make it clear if we are not confusing spawnitem and setitem.
It's not set item, it spawns one or directly gives it to you.

Alright so I'll try it out again and give constructive feedback this time.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 02:45:20 PM by King Tøny »

Maybe you should have searched.


Can you stop being an asswipe and be specific on what is wrong

So I want to make it clear. I didn't look at the author of the add-on that Pecon posted.

I thought Pecon was sarcastically berating me for not searching. I didn't actually look to see it was Pecon that made the add-on.

Otherwise I would have been more cooperative.

If I remember correctly I didn't like this add-on because I had to manually type out each item instead of a dropdown menu.
You don 't have to type them out, but you need bricks with the items spawned on them so the spawn brick knows what to use.

Alright now I remember why I don't like that specific randomizer.

The special brick I don't specifically like, there is no simple dropdown menu for me in events.

It also sets the brick to the specific item. I don't want this happening. I want it to literally spawn in. Spawning and set are 2 different things. Although set is useful, I also want spawning and dropped to be randomized.

I want the item spawned in like this.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 02:29:45 AM by King Tøny »

See the update I made to it. It adds SpawnRandomItem varieties for brick, player, and bot outputs.

See the update I made to it. It adds SpawnRandomItem varieties for brick, player, and bot outputs.

Alright I'll check it out.

The updated random item spawner works pretty good.

You should make a new topic for it.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 05:10:57 AM by King Tøny »

Maybe you should have searched.


Nice mod!

Is there any way to alter the spawn direction for spawnRandomItem or can it only always be straight up?
Maybe either event boxes for X Y Z or just by using the brick's set item Position/Direction?