Author Topic: [INT. NEWS] Alfie Evans dead  (Read 10571 times)

not another human life who continued to suffer.

Your moral grandstanding is pathetic.

you know something that's brain dead can't actually feel anything right

He says clearly bothered enough to respond.
he's becoming self aware

I couldn't find any sources claiming that Alfie was braindead at the time that life-support was withdrawn. But all of this doctors claimed that the disease would have progressed to that point anyway.

So it was essentially a question of whether he should have been sustained until his brain was dead, allowing any degree of suffering that his mostly-destroyed brain might have been experiencing in the interim.

they could've kept him alive in italy then he can be used as spare parts in the future for people who aren't potatos
His brain may be dead by how healthy is that liver or those kidneys

they could've kept him alive in italy then he can be used as spare parts in the future for people who aren't potatos
His brain may be dead by how healthy is that liver or those kidneys
i could use a spare kidney

Also known as Ike's entire posting history.
big brain post

i could use a spare kidney

i could always use a backup liver

they could've kept him alive in italy then he can be used as spare parts in the future for people who aren't potatos
This is an astute point. I'm not sure why they didn't try to do any transplants - it might have to do with the fact that the cause of the brain disease was unknown. If he had some kind of previously-undiscovered prion disease or viral infection, someone who received his organs could contract it.

He says clearly bothered enough to respond.

If we're operating under the assumption that responding to posts means someone's angry, that politics thread must make you go nuclear lmfao