itt we write a letter to rotondo one word at a time (badspots letter compiled)

Author Topic: itt we write a letter to rotondo one word at a time (badspots letter compiled)  (Read 12484 times)


end of letter
the letter to badspot:
Quote from: Badspot's letter.
Dear krap, I not lock Yee's brown town love, gay and (and). We cant be stupid even when are gay. Please reply by 5 hours Floccinaucinihilipilification or die. Sincerely, Spice-y. P.S. I forgeted your dog with toothbrush and peed into our moms house. somebody Once told me the. Please go roll me with the sharpest tool in our gay orgy. she came.

lemme start

« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 04:16:17 PM by Darth C3P0² »