Author Topic: Col. Burton - toxic forum vigilante  (Read 33782 times)

now thats done any1 wamnt to help me unify blockland

not funny
Oh? the Blockland Forum Resident Shortbus Rider has something to say?

Hggghh... Ghghhh hhuhh... hruhh.... oh godd....... not again......
*plop* *plop* *plop*
Ghhhh....  hahhaha......... mmmmmm.......
ghehehe...... ughhhhhh my stomach........
oh god the hsmell....
man i remember when drama used to be good this is just cancer, no wonder nobody likes you

man i remember when drama used to be good this is just cancer, no wonder nobody likes you
calm down

man i remember when drama used to be good this is just cancer, no wonder nobody likes you
you may have gotten things reversed

me and darth c3po be like
can confirm, accurate representation

you may have gotten things reversed
idk man i remember the threads made about me like 5+ years ago were something to fear, this thread is just handicapped stuff posting between the same cigarettes

idk man i remember the threads made about me like 5+ years ago were something to fear, this thread is just handicapped stuff posting between the same cigarettes
the fact that you had to be dramad for doing the same stuff you've been doing for 5+ years really speaks volumes

the fact that you had to be dramad for doing the same stuff you've been doing for 5+ years really speaks volumes
its not even the same stuff what are you talking about dingus, this drama thread is about 5 posts i made against you and your circlejerk of homos

if u had the reading comprehension of someone over the age of 13 you would realize that you've wasted entire forum career being a total cunt to people and the fact that you arent able to realize this baffles me

you've wasted entire forum career being a total cunt to people

i said blocklandese not japanese you forgetin weeb
that was loving chinese you neurotic sack of stuff

that was loving chinese you neurotic sack of stuff
do you beat off knowing you spend more money just to call people names on a lego forum

i need yall to calm down