Author Topic: This is what the internet used to be, all of it  (Read 1797 times)

This is all it was

good or bad, this is what it was. and there was no ads back then so people did this out of pure desire, which is baffling

the internet is a series of tubes.

man whatever happened to greatest freakout ever and the like? they weren't trying to sell you something, they were just goofy videos for the sake of entertainment.

man whatever happened to greatest freakout ever and the like? they weren't trying to sell you something, they were just goofy videos for the sake of entertainment.
Society moved on from the 2000s and we as a species have matured and no longer seek out or find that kind of media funny

This is all it was

good or bad, this is what it was. and there was no ads back then so people did this out of pure desire, which is baffling
classic collection of gifs. i can remember that one from don hertzfeldt's rejected at 0:30 was actually used as an avatar by someone on here way back like 2006; wish i could remember who it was.

it was nice when youtube was in its infancy and people just threw stuff up on there with no expectation or intention for it to go viral. a far cry from now where you'll see people shamelessly shilling their profiles on various social media platforms as a reply to their own post once it gains traction.

Society moved on from the 2000s and we as a species have matured and no longer seek out or find that kind of media funny
buddy i don't think there's a big difference between remotecarrotboy and jontron or whatever the kids watch nowadays

Society moved on from the 2000s and we as a species have matured and no longer seek out or find that kind of media funny

Yeah, we moved directly to big brain memes and inside inside jokes that nobody really understands but everyone agrees is funny because they dont wanna look bad. Peak humor.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 08:27:41 PM by Mr.Noßody »

ppl still make dumb stuff just because
this is the only version of this meme that made me laugh

i gotta say that im glad we moved away from fred

it was nice when youtube was in its infancy and people just threw stuff up on there with no expectation or intention for it to go viral. a far cry from now where you'll see people shamelessly shilling their profiles on various social media platforms as a reply to their own post once it gains traction.
To be fair youtube has become such a tough place for any new creator to gain any traction at all, i wonder how anything creative thrives.

Even then, youtube isn't youtube anymore, its also reddit and facebook, its evolved to be just a facet of the internet rather than a place. Anything new and creative that gets big on youtube isn't because of youtube anymore, and thats the biggest difference.

i just miss newgrounds

i just miss newgrounds
Lol this reminds me, when i was 12 my parents installed NetNanny, which censored websites and also made it that whenever i typed a curse word, it would star it, so immediately everyon on the forums started making fun of me, so i made a topic begging for help.

For like years i was wondering why the hell they installed it and then one day i went back to the forum topic i made on it and apparently they caught me on playing a forgetin "erotic newgrounds game", like wtf how lame was i.

Lol this reminds me, when i was 12 my parents installed NetNanny, which censored websites and also made it that whenever i typed a curse word, it would star it, so immediately everyon on the forums started making fun of me, so i made a topic begging for help.

For like years i was wondering why the hell they installed it and then one day i went back to the forum topic i made on it and apparently they caught me on playing a forgetin "erotic newgrounds game", like wtf how lame was i.
i found franks adventure game and showed some guy at my birthday party and he snitched on me