Catherine Gamemode?

Author Topic: Catherine Gamemode?  (Read 1081 times)

Basically what the add-on would be is that multiple players will need to go up tall structures of blocks, moving them around and being able to climb on them in order to make it to the top. As time goes on more blocks from the bottom will fall out and there will be the occasional "boss battle" where the blocks on the bottom fall at a faster rate, you could also do multiplayer and have the ability to use items such as a drink that makes you climb up two blocks instead of one, but you can only have one item at a time and it only lasts about a minute or so. Also sheep models to fit the game.

I haven't seen a my little pissy avatar in years man

takes me back
like vietnam flashbacks

I haven't seen a my little pissy avatar in years man

takes me back
like vietnam flashbacks

Oh man how dare you diss the best show ever i will drama you for that rage rage rage blah blah

Anyways I'm just trying to do a request man, stop starting stuff

an.... interesting choice of game to request a remake of. i can see it working though.