Author Topic: thundercats roar - new CN series  (Read 13348 times)

even this piece of stuff angers me less holy stuff
(warning, don't click unless you're ok with seeing a 70 year old man's attempt at being hip in 2013)

almost like that's the show's target demographic :/

even this piece of stuff angers me less holy stuff
(warning, don't click unless you're ok with seeing a 70 year old man's attempt at being hip in 2013)
almost like that's the show's target demographic :/

these are teenagers and grown men caring about childrens cartoons in the year of our lord 2018

even this piece of stuff angers me less holy stuff
(warning, don't click unless you're ok with seeing a 70 year old man's attempt at being hip in 2013)
oh no. it's almost like humor from 2011 (which is when this video was made) was actually funny in it's own time.

even this piece of stuff angers me less holy stuff
(warning, don't click unless you're ok with seeing a 70 year old man's attempt at being hip in 2013)
I don't see how you mixed up 2013 with 2011 also theres loving reddit in there lmao (just seeing the reddit robot dudes was the only thing that made me laugh) but yeah i agree somehow thats more enjoyable then this CN series

its somewhat accurate
"hes using overused memes, so you must use even stupider memes"

these are teenagers and grown men caring about childrens cartoons in the year of our lord 2018
Imagine caring, lol grow up and post on a lego forum.
"these newfangled shows rot the brain!"
"All criticism from anyone older than X, is a nostalgia cigarette.:

general rule of cartoon network:
any fad of the time will be followed. the next spongebob or simpsons won't be longlasting if the bootlegs or alternative shows did not show to yet double the network's money makers

Why do you think cartoon network went through a live action phase with shows like Destroy Build Destroy aswell as Nickelodeon and Disney at the same time? They were all trying to hit sitcom/live action spongebobs and went through a ton, and it went out of style suprisingly fast.

these are teenagers and grown men caring about childrens cartoons in the year of our lord 2018

And here you are complaining about it on the Blockland forums.
Mr. High and mighty over here guys. Watch out.

I was in the shower and realized that this is the perfect Thundercats reboot. Yet another dime-a-dozen cartoon drawn in the same style that relies on flashing lights, bright colors, and obnoxious humor. Really, the biggest difference is that this is a comedy show while the original series was an action show.

Pretty sure that Verification, Tactical Nuke, and Mr. Nossody are only complaining for the sake of it.

looks cool, ppl are complaining a lot that it looks so similar to other modern cartoons, but they forget this was common for old CN cartoons too

if only cartoon network would be faithful to a cartoon that came out 33 years ago that I didn't watch, ugh!!

(warning, don't click unless you're ok with seeing a 70 year old man's attempt at being hip in 2013)

missing the joke: the post

I was in the shower and realized that this is the perfect Thundercats reboot. Yet another dime-a-dozen cartoon drawn in the same style that relies on flashing lights, bright colors, and obnoxious humor. Really, the biggest difference is that this is a comedy show while the original series was an action show.

Pretty sure that Verification, Tactical Nuke, and Mr. Nossody are only complaining for the sake of it.


that's a pretty nice 180 you did there

did you realize you weren't being a contrarian for the sake of it and had to compensate