Author Topic: Land of Despots  (Read 16762 times)

Half of the scouting party comes back, some of them with scratches and gashes, one even with a missing arm. The leader exclaims that the party was attacked by bears while they tried to cross a river to the west. The man with the missing arm is near death.

The Khan sends the man missing an arm to the healer, but he knows it's no use for him. In the case of the bears, he orders the map-makers to make that area a cautionary one, as to not have any more people fall victim to bear attacks.

Hoki's canoe rows upstream for 2 days of fairly easy river travel. The going get's a little rough, however, when ice floes start to float downriver and threaten the safety of the canoe and those onboard. They suspect there is a lake ahead.

The other canoe has much trouble making it upriver as fast-traveling rapids prevent them from taking their water route upstream. After about three hours of deliberation, they begrudgingly decide to carry their canoe in the upstream direction, but eventually stop as they spot bears in large numbers feeding from the fish as they have before. They know they cannot fight off these many bears and keep the canoe near them.

Hoki's canoe makes it way off to the right side of the river, reaching the bank and heading up as they opt to leave two men behind to hide and keep watch over it while the other three, Hoki included, head up along the river on foot to continue their scouting mission.

The second canoe opts to turn around once they face the numerous bears, heading back downstream an waiting at the fork, waiting at the banks.

The map-makers are sure to take note. The village enters a period of mourning for those lost. The man with the armissing died that night—the healers were unsuccessful.

Hoki's journey takes him a day. By early evening of that day, a man in his party stops him. "Stop. Look." The man's arm crosses in front of Hoki's chest before it rises to point at the faint whisps of smoke rising just beyond a swamp.

The Khan mourns with the citizenry, but eventually gets them back in order with a rousing speech about sacrifice and all of that. Another scouting party is sent to the north

Hoki's journey takes him a day. By early evening of that day, a man in his party stops him. "Stop. Look." The man's arm crosses in front of Hoki's chest before it rises to point at the faint whisps of smoke rising just beyond a swamp.

Hoki's brows furrow, staring at the rising pillars of smoke before he nudges his head towards it. "Let's get closer and get a better look." he says, the other men with him looking somewhat anxious as they carry on.

"What if it's them?" asks one warrior to the other. "It can't be. We arrived here first.". "As far as we know-", the two are shushed quietly by Hoki, glaring back at them. "If it's them, we map it and go back. If it's not them, we map it and go back. Either way, we're mapping it. Come on."

With that, the scouting group pushes onwards to get to a better position to look upon the origin of the smoke.

At the speech, half of the citizenry is excited at the prospect of new exploration. The other half seems ambivalent about the Khan's words, and simply return to their daily work after the speech is over.

The men arrive at the outskirts of the village just as a man in foreign-looking regalia speaks atop a platform, addressing the crowd around him. Some appear enthused, cheering at his words, others at the back talk amongst one another where the guards are not posted, and peel off from the crowd when they can manage to slip away.

The men arrive at the outskirts of the village just as a man in foreign-looking regalia speaks atop a platform, addressing the crowd around him. Some appear enthused, cheering at his words, others at the back talk amongst one another where the guards are not posted, and peel off from the crowd when they can manage to slip away.

Hoki stares out at them from their cover with a mixture of wonder and caution. They're similar, but... Different. Different enough to make the similarities seem eerie and off-putting. His brows furrow and he looks over to one of his comrades, his hand reaching out for the map they've been working on. He spends some time mapping it all out, as well as trying to make out what buildings could be used for what, and then the rest of the area of the lake. Once they're finished, he takes no time in turning around and heading back in the direction to move back down the way they came and to link up with those watching their canoe, to rejoin the others.

The advance team rendezvous with the two men holding the canoe, who report finding deer in the area. They embark back down the river and meet the other group at the fork in the river. They report their news and are able to get back home. Seems they had some provisions to spare on this journey.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 02:28:14 PM by SWAT One »

The Khan orders a group of scouts to go out up North, up the river that runs adjacent to the lake.

The scouts reach the river and travel down its banks for 2 days. They keep careful watch for bears, and, after navigating past some rocky areas, they arrive at the fork of the river in a swampy area upstream of the divided rivers.

The advance team rendezvous with the two men holding the canoe, who report finding deer in the area. They embark back down the river and meet the other group at the fork in the river. They report their news and are able to get back home. Seems they had some provisions to spare on this journey.

"Who do you think they are?" Asks the tribesman behind Hoki as they let the canoes travel downstream- rowing to help speed themselves up along the way, here and there. "Who knows?" He responds blandly with a shrug of his shoulders, "But they aren't the ones who ran us out of our home. That much is certain." There's a grumble from the back of canoe, prompting Hoki to look over his shoulder and stare at the man, "What? You don't agree?" he asks him with a rise of his brow. "I didn't say that," the man replies, staring back, "But whether they're them or not, doesn't mean they may not try the same thing." Hoki peers downwards for a moment or two before he looks forward. "You're not wrong." he admits with a sigh, glancing back and forth along the landscape.

Eventually, after some travel they arrive home, all the canoes drifting in to a set of shoddy docks that have had some work done on them in the time that they were gone, allowing a bit more accessibility. Hoki grunts, rolling up the map and looking to the others. "Get everything unloaded, go see your families. I'm going on ahead. I'll meet you in the common house later." Some nod, and others just go about getting everything in order as Hoki wanders off and up to the Halut-dan's hall.

The servant girl holds up the polished copper mirror to the Halut-dan, who stares down into it to peer at the work that was done shaving his face. "Good. You can go now." he says with a raise and flick of his hand outwards. The girl takes no time in leaving, and the Halut-dan reaches over to grab the shaggy patterned pelt of a medium sized feline, dark gray with black and white splotches in color.

Three knocks of wood against wood arrive at the entrance of the hall, and the Halut-dan's gaze flicks upwards to stare at Hoki in the doorway- map in hand. A small smirk plays on his lips, and the Halut-dan beckons him over. "I trust you've got some good news and information for me?" he asks him, and Hoki nods- his eyes fixed to the ground with a tired expression as he unfurls the map and hands it over. The Halut-dan takes it in both of his hands, looking it over with a small nod. "You took some notes too. Very good."

Squinting for a moment or two, he rolls the map back up as his right hand comes over to rub his face. "The animals seem larger here than in our home, it seems like..." His expression sours momentarily before he shakes his head and looks back to Hoki. "Look up." Hoki does as he's commanded, peering at the Halut-dan. "Who are these people you saw?" he asks him, his brows dipping down as he gives Hoki a scrutinizing stare. "I don't know," Hoki replies honestly, "I did not risk getting close, in case they were violent. They dress and look funny... But not too different from ourselves. Some listened to a man saying words I couldn't understand. Others didn't seem to care."

The Halut-dan nods quietly, looking back and forth between the map and Hoki as he listens. "Then we won't go out of our way to make contact right now." Hoki seems confused, the wrinkling of his forehead a telltale sign. "Are you... Sure? What if they are peaceful and would trade-" The Halut-dan's hand raises, and Hoki hushes. "What if, what if... If they are a trading people, then we will find out when we do meet each other. But what if they aren't? I don't want to send men for contacts, only to end up with them entering the jaws of a beast as soon as they enter that village."

Hoki nods, though his silent disagreement is obvious. The Halut-dan stares up at him for a moment or two before he shrugs, "That's nothing to concern yourself with anyways. I'll deal with it. You did well- go back to your family. I will sort out a reward for you soon. Tell the others that we will use the river for hunting and gathering. And tell the Fau-dans I wish to speak with them.". "Yes, Halut-dan." says Hoki, who turns and begins to hurry out the hall. The Halut-dan silently watches him leave, his right brow rising before he looks back down to the map, squinting.

The Halut-dan gets the map remade in several hand drawn copies, with some new added routes for hunting and gathering up along the river ending at the beginning of the fork. Two groups of ten warriors each, some seasoned and some green, are sent up river to establish to watch camps (will dm you with the areas), as well as to assist with guarding those going up and down the river.

Some minor scouting parties are sent to head eastwards along the coast, to map it out.

The group checks their travel supplies to make sure they can make it for any more travel