Author Topic: happy summer break blf  (Read 2473 times)

this school year went by quicker than any other school year in my life

i still have 3 weeks of school left
god damnit

my summer started in the first week of may but i work for the university so i have to stay here all summer

this school year went by quicker than any other school year in my life

Time does that, before you know it you'll be 85

its still spring wtf
mine starts early july

Man forget phineas and ferb, lying sacks of stuff.
This is probably the first time my summer break has been more than a 100 days... when i made it to college.

What loving public school in the US has 104 days of summer break?

forget you phineas you stupid triangle and ferb you squidward house lookin motherforgeter.

I get out on the 20th

man, California sucks

Summer is coming.
Mr. Badspot I don't feel so well...

I miss being young and having a summer break :(