Author Topic: Times you remember that sadden you?  (Read 2296 times)

Waking up to my parents telling me that there was an earthquake in Japan (the March 2011 one), and that my grandparents could be possibly be dead-- and that they haven't heard from them, and the town we lived in has been hit extremely bad. I had to still go to school the same day lol. I still remember all of the small quirks of the town- like the saltwater swimming pool that was heated that was super easy to float in that's now closed-- or the beach, pre tsunami.

All of the relationships I've had, and all of the quirks of them. I mean, one that was pretty special to me, I ended up getting forgeted over (girl didn't like me at all but went along with it), and I opened myself up, which totally was a mistake, and I'm not repeating that again. I was completely empty for the entire summer, and I started self-harming really bad, just because of what happened. Thinking about the relationships and everything I've done makes me sad as well.

The last few times have been the times where I've been extremely bad-- remembering 7th grade, where I tried to OD on ritalin hurts and it brings back some painful memories especially on how I forgeted up everything, all of my friends social lives, my school, and I was entirely misunderstood is especially one that forgets me up for the rest of the day, as well as me back in 5th and 6th grade. I was severely bullied back then, and, thinking about everything just hurts? idk. Oh well.

OOPS!!! I'm sadposting on an albanian lego forum as a coping mechanism again

my life as it is right now. living in a weird sort of purgatory, after failing out of college but taking classes at another community college in the hopes of readmission. ive come to terms with a bunch of stuff that i should have figured out years ago, and wonder if i’ll pick a life that i will actually enjoy living. its not depresso sad, more like a “this kid is lost” kind of sad.

ive had depresso moments before but i dont feel like sharing here

me loving up the one and only chance of ever having a successful relationship

April 20th 2016

Yea don't really care to drag it all up

2010-2013 before rtb took a dump and i screwed around on blockland, and had such a magical experience downloading add-ons from the client and forums.  and also using the actually active social system.  and the anxiety that first came with playing on public servers on v19 and v20 and being too technically illiterate to host my own.

The last few years, can't really get into it though.

This last year was a bit of a downer. You might've been able to tell by my posting activity. I'm by no means in a bad domestic situation. However, I've failed to act on opportunities I've been given. It's become hard to do anything besides laying down on my bed. I'm not depressed, but I'm certainly lacking energy and passion.

remember when you were little and the only thing you worried about was being 30 seconds late getting home from school because you didn't want to miss out on any gaming time after you did your homework. Those innocent times man. :(

me loving up the one and only chance of ever having a successful relationship
eh, don't be too hard on yourself you're only 20 years old still got a huge and open world to discover. I have a friend who's in his early 30's and just found someone he thinks he can spend the rest of his life with.

remembering all the fun i had on old roblox and old blockland has to make me extremely nostalgic/sad esp. because of how many old friends i've lost contact with

In 2011, I lost my grandfather and my life went completely downhill from there in terms of school and social life.

2016, I lost my grandmother and went completely apestuff in a few Discords and I even lost a few friends.

Really hurts to bring this stuff up again, but it relieves me that I'm not alone in these kind of situations.

2012-2018 in general

When i saw my grandpa get buried

Summer 2014. I was 11, I had a laptop and I stayed up every night playing with my friends I had on my old steam account, we used to build houses, hotels and the like. I usually tried to make zombie survival servers but also several roleplay servers I would not be proud of today. (Nothing nsfw, just poor english and -deflects attack-) I also had bunk beds.. which are gone now. we gave them to my cousins daughter (in the third paragraph, the eldest has them now.)

Winter 2012 I was 9, during this time I got an XBOX-360 for christmas, along with Call of Duty : Black Ops II, and an XBOX Live Giftcard.
Meeting friends of friends on xbox and playing minecraft with them was fun.

Spring 2015 I was 11, A Dell Optiplex 360 was what I was on most of my time, I was either playing Unturned 3 or Roblox, And my cousin and her 3 daughters had moved in, the oldest was, by far the most annoying, the second one was about 2 years old. and she had her youngest one in oct-nov 2014.