Author Topic: [NEWS] Classic Runescape servers shutting down for good  (Read 6598 times)

WTF i wanted to pwn those nubs in that game :(

freek on Self Delete watch
*heavy breathing*

but no, runescape classic is dogstuff. it hasn't received a proper update since around 2004 and has virtually no players for a good reason. runescape classic is to runescape like blockland v0002 is to blockland; outdated, unpopulated, unsupported. plus, there are several runescape classic private servers already out there, all with a more functional client that doesn't run in 800x500.

arent u that guy who caused the falador massacre....... >:(
ummm maybe

runescape??? isnt that the funny haha meme game ??? lol the one where they say Nice and they also say Buying gf and also have bad graphics Hahah love that funny meme haha #WINNING
lol what

lol ive never seen so many people defend a stuffty mmorpg before

lol ive never seen so many people defend a stuffty mmorpg before

Then don't post here. You obviously don't care about the subject.

Then don't post here. You obviously don't care about the subject.
i obviously do. im happy that its closed and i'm expressing my happiness. i guess you have a problem with my joyous disposition

Not really. I always thought the opening of the old school servers split the player base when moving to 3 was a better choice. Nice bait attempt.

And if you honestly think that first post added anything more than "Who cares, it was stuff anyways", your as dumb as your stuffposts.

i remember my cousin tricked me into grinding for him on classic runescape

those were the days

And if you honestly think that first post added anything more than "Who cares, it was stuff anyways", your as dumb as your stuffposts.
the ramblings of an insane man. you obviously did not read my post at all, nor the posts of the 3 other people in this thread who think that it sucks as well

obviously we care. i care enough to mention that its a terrible grindy game that cannot be enjoyed by anyone with a brain. i care to mention that im happy any runescape-related activity has ceased in some way. this is an open discussion, not a 'jerk off runescape' megathread. please bring your hateful narrative somewhere else, perhaps drama

lol ive never seen so many people defend a stuffty mmorpg before

This is your post. This was what you said.

i care enough to mention that its a terrible grindy game that cannot be enjoyed by anyone with a brain. i care to mention that im happy any runescape-related activity has ceased in some way.

If this is what you "meant" to say, you failed to mention any of the reasons you thought it was stuffty.

I understand this is an open discussion, but your first post had no substance and was completely dismissive as most of your posts are. If you started with the above post, there would have been no issue.

This is your post. This was what you said.

If this is what you "meant" to say, you failed to mention any of the reasons you thought it was stuffty.

I understand this is an open discussion, but your first post had no substance and was completely dismissive as most of your posts are. If you started with the above post, there would have been no issue.
i dont need to expand upon it with larger, more clear vocabulary. the concept is the same: runescape isnt that good. that is the simplest abstraction of what i 'meant' to say. it conveys the same point

i am not jumping through hoops just to explain an already clear point

I still think your post was disrespectful gesture to anybody who likes OSRS, complete with the "lol" at the beginning.
Doesn't really matter what you meant between the lines, the first impression was still bad.

Every Runescape version is grindy and looks awful. The only reason why people like it is because it's nostalgic, and because you can easily get addicted to it. It's just that, RSC is the stufftiest one out of all. Literally no one feels sad for it getting shut down.

Okay, maybe some people do. But just go play a private server if you like RSC, for whatever reason. There are plenty of private servers out there. And they don't charge you $11 per month just to play it.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 04:50:17 PM by Curse You »

I still think your post was disrespectful gesture to anybody who likes OSRS, complete with the "lol" at the beginning.
Doesn't really matter what you meant between the lines, the first impression was still bad.
go cry about it in drama. anyone who feels offended by someone else's opinion on a game needs to re-evaluate their life

go cry about it in drama. anyone who feels offended by someone else's opinion on a game needs to re-evaluate their life

No thanks. I dont mess around in drama. I see you dabble, maybe you should make a drama for me.

Edit: Wait, you still think I'm up about your opinion on the game? Not even close, I stated a few times it was your dismissive response to it. I couldn't care less if you dont like something. Way to misinterpret everything Ive said so far. Suppose that makes two of us.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2018, 05:14:30 PM by Mr.Noßody »