Author Topic: total biscuit is now dead  (Read 15126 times)

What a loving handicapped aids ridden monday richard you are......
Im Not Owned.. Im Not Oened..
why are you calling me an immigrant when you're part muslim el immigrantoholy loving stuff !
Why is this waste of oxygen still running his greasy fingers?  Every instance where the forums kick his stuff in for his embarrassing display, he just dances on his keyboard.  In fact, why hasn't he been purged from the face of this burning forums?

Why is this waste of oxygen still running his greasy fingers?  Every instance where the forums kick his stuff in for his embarrassing display, he just dances on his keyboard.  In fact, why hasn't he been purged from the face of this burning forums?

Does it honestly even matter? No point in derailing the thread.

are you the snake inspector then? if so I got a job for you.
you'll need a magnifying glass.
your clitoris is inflamed
Why is this waste of oxygen still running his greasy fingers?  Every instance where the forums kick his stuff in for his embarrassing display, he just dances on his keyboard.  In fact, why hasn't he been purged from the face of this burning forums?
>tfw sucking grimlocks ass
>tfw still carry your bullstuff since months ago
>tfw rarely post for anything except selfies and the occasional jump in callout

why are you calling me an immigrant when you're part muslim el immigranto

Theres a reason we tried to genocide indian filth like you back in the middle ages. Sadly some of your kind snuck away into Romania and now the rest of the forum is paying the price

the amount of raw energy coming out of unovals posts makes me think he was waiting months 4 some oedipus rex levels of mommy forget and didnt get it at all

Theres a reason we tried to genocide indian filth like you back in the middle ages. Sadly some of your kind snuck away into Romania and now the rest of the forum is paying the price

isn't canada like 80% white

the amount of raw energy coming out of unovals posts makes me think he was waiting months 4 some oedipus rex levels of mommy forget and didnt get it at all

I think he's just a dumb, impressionable kid who got used to getting stuff on so he's trying to mimic his peers. At least he isn't trying to pick on someone who can't take it :y

Verification i think its time for you to stop, the thread is already derailed and each of your replies aren't helping your cause or reputation

unova why is it that when you know you've lost you stuffpost and meme instead of admitting to defeat and learning when to loving stop

Verification i think its time for you to stop, the thread is already derailed and each of your replies aren't helping your cause or reputation
there is no cause and youve said before i had no reputation

there is no cause and youve said before i had no reputation

Nobody cares, go stuffpost in your own drama like usual

isn't canada like 80% white

no wonder they're so nice
this is a joke, if you think I'm serious

Nobody cares, go stuffpost in your own drama like usual
obviously you care because youre still posting here handicapo