


Author Topic: Tommy Robinson arrested, UK censors media nationwide.  (Read 16996 times)

Its because of his controversy that he's in jail, they want to silence him, if we follow and silence ourselves we will accomplish nothing and give into a UK dictatorship.

Sometimes I forget that you aren't living in reality

Its because of his controversy that he's in jail, they want to silence him, if we follow and silence ourselves we will accomplish nothing and give into a UK dictatorship.
*knocks on matthews head* is this thing on

The Circle Jerk continues...

So how about we just delete the UK off the map?

forget you.
I'm an American in America.
We have the 2nd Amendment here.
The 2nd ammendment protects the first.
The 2nd protects the 2nd.
Guns, duh.
this is a loving masterpiece im dying holy stuff

So how about we just delete the UK off the map?
delete everything except glorious russia and pig america

forget you.
I'm an American in America.
We have the 2nd Amendment here.
tbh I don't even get the feeling you're a gun owner

Haha thank forget for that, hope he gets battered inside

Haha thank forget for that, hope he gets battered inside
By any chance are you a muslim or a democrat?
tbh I don't even get the feeling you're a gun owner
i hab a rooty-tooty point-n-shooty.
Just because I'm not currently one, doesn't remove my perspective from the conversation.

hey all I'm trying to do is drink the 'follow the law no matter what' koolaid just a little bit

shillwich at it again

[img  width=400]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/015/352/1348764844816.png[/img]
or maybe he's just calling out your bullstuff double standards lol

also lmao @ the poll Annoying Orange would just make things worse as his five year old tweets always do

By any chance are you a muslim or a democrat?
I'm a free thinker I think whatever I want because I don't align myself to the left or right unlike you because you lack free thought and repeat whatever website/person you follow says

I'm a free thinker I think whatever I want because I don't align myself to the left or right unlike you because you lack free thought and repeat whatever website/person you follow says
A decent response, and I'd be inclined to believe you if you hadn't shown a blatant bias to silence by violence.
Haha thank forget for that, hope he gets battered inside

Haha thank forget for that, hope he gets battered inside
I'm a free thinker I think whatever I want because I don't align myself to the left or right unlike you because you lack free thought and repeat whatever website/person you follow says
the true radical centrist