


Author Topic: Tommy Robinson arrested, UK censors media nationwide.  (Read 18806 times)

I came to see people discuss how much of a stuffhole the UK has become but instead it's this loving stupid bullstuff
classic deus ex

america is still waking up but today Benjamin H. killed 3 and rumored 1 more earlier
he was radicalized in prison, deemed unstable, yet was on parole, the kind of “soon to be released” parole

there needs to be a big change in the prisons i think, and im half worried because my country takes foreign prisoners like these

half Ot but i prefer to look for existing. threads, esp if my subj is political

edit: i forgot to say this happened in belgium
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 03:55:07 PM by hootaloo »

Does the UK have for profit prisons like the US does just wondering

Does the UK have for profit prisons like the US does just wondering
yeah but they're not really significant like they are in the us. public prisons are a lot more prevalent

hey all I'm trying to do is drink the 'follow the law no matter what' koolaid just a little bit

Ah I see, you only bend and twist your morals when it helps your side. Good to know that absolutely nothing you say holds any weight.