


Author Topic: Tommy Robinson arrested, UK censors media nationwide.  (Read 16986 times)

So when illegal immigrants break the law because they're in a life-or-death situation, you've got no sympathy, but a right-winger breaks a journalism gag order to film stuff so that he can brew up hate towards Muslims who have no relevance to the case, and suddenly the UK is 'no longer a free country'?

hah you think illegal immigrants should be deported so how do you feel about a guy being arrested for filming a mosque

yeah seventh what happened to being for the free press

it's not free speech if you don't like jihadis

hate speech is free speech.

"Tommy robinson broke the law tho.........  :/"
This stuff makes me want to bust a baseball club over something or someone, no stuff he broke the law. The issue is there are laws that allows the British government to gag then jail journalists if they refuse to comply.

These same people glad Tommy was jailed today would flip their stuff tomorrow if some stoner low life was put in jail for a year because they got caught smoking pot on probation.

he will be killed in jail, believe me

he will be killed in jail, believe me

but i like tommy

just a prediction, and i'm calling it now

yeah seventh what happened to being for the free press
hah you think illegal immigrants should be deported so how do you feel about a guy being arrested for filming a mosque
hey all I'm trying to do is drink the 'follow the law no matter what' koolaid just a little bit

(well, chappters and eggstaticeggplant do too but they seem to be pro censorship for some reason lol)
nice try. i could say that you are pro edl with the exact same logic.

is that a threat
british prisons are filled with islamic extremists

loving think about it before responding. If the UK thinks the dude is going to stir up controversy and thus acts preemptively, don't you think defending him by attempting to stir up more controversy is just completely counterproductive to your cause?
Please tell me you're not insinuating that controversy should be illegal.

i dont know who this is, but i just kinda wanted to know why you felt putting this youtube guy on my screen instead of articulating what the forget you meant
I'm sorry I should have labeled everything in the image like proper political comic artist.

Seriously, it's a guy (Chris Ray Gun) making a confused face while the word what appears... what could it possibly mean?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 08:03:15 AM by Master Matthew² »

Please tell me you're not insinuating that controversy should be illegal.

Where in my post did I even hint this? It seems like you're looking for something that isn't there.

Where in my post did I even hint this? It seems like you're looking for something that isn't there.
Its because of his controversy that he's in jail, they want to silence him, if we follow and silence ourselves we will accomplish nothing and give into a UK dictatorship.