Author Topic: things in common about blockland forums users  (Read 5504 times)

just post hyperbolic things you've personally noticed in similar about a lot of them.

here's what ive seen:

  • either 12, 15, 18, or 30 years old
  • everyone born before 2002 wants to relive their childhood by copying the ui and ux cues of windows 95-2000 and by listening to encoded synths like what you'd find on newgrounds flash files
  • people hate eachother but being on the blf is signing an implicit contract of mutually assured destruction so people generally play """""nice"""""
  • either technically illiterate, has used git and written html when 12, or currently is active on github and somehow is a living swiss army knife of technologies
  • uses php and minimal amounts of js
no javascript at all here lol
  • either speaks in completely """""correct""""" english if older than 24, but if younger than 24, then uses millenial english (such as not capitalizing the beginnings of sentences or ending thoughts with periods)
Mmmm I'm 20 and speak in correct english.
  • has abused caffeine, alcohol, or some other drug at some point
  • everyone lost their innocence at either 8 years old or 15 years old
holy stuff

i got some
  • everyone fits under at least one of these 3 categories: furry, handicap, starfish
  • everyone has at least one alt, and if they own more than two alts they don't play the game
lmao the accuracy of this statement!
  • everyone who doesn't agree with someone has to insult them at least once
forget you
  • everyone is on borrowed time
Lmao this is correct af

can we get some horoscopes based on that last digits of our id for max relatability

can we get some horoscopes based on that last digits of our id for max relatability

can we get some horoscopes based on that last digits of our id for max relatability
If it ends in one ur a girl

  • 1)either 12, 15, 18, or 30 years old
  • 2)everyone born before 2002 wants to relive their childhood by copying the ui and ux cues of windows 95-2000 and by listening to encoded synths like what you'd find on newgrounds flash files
  • 3)people hate eachother but being on the blf is signing an implicit contract of mutually assured destruction so people generally play """""nice"""""
  • 4)either technically illiterate, has used git and written html when 12, or currently is active on github and somehow is a living swiss army knife of technologies
  • 5)uses php and minimal amounts of js
  • 6)either speaks in completely """""correct""""" english if older than 24, but if younger than 24, then uses """"incorrect"""" english (such as not capitalizing the beginnings of sentences or ending thoughts with periods)
  • 7)has abused caffeine, alcohol, or some other drug at some point
  • 8)everyone lost their innocence at either 8 years old or 15 years old

1) Correct
2) I was born after 2002 (yeah.... im young but mature.......... so what friend?) but i still want to relieve the 90's. I call the phenomenon "false nostalgia." Thanks to simpletonnn i found out it's called "Anemoia"
3) I'm not prominent on the forum enough to comment on this, but I'm pretty sure it's at least somewhat right.
4) This applies to everyone because of how broad it is. I personally started HTML at age 14.
5) Wrong
6) Somewhat false. I'm inconsistent when it comes to proper syntax on the forum
7) Wrong
8) I never really lost my innocence. All of my posts on this forum are completely out of character for me.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2018, 09:56:19 PM by Chris72003 »

just post hyperbolic things you've personally noticed in similar about a lot of them.

here's what ive seen:

  • either 12, 15, 18, or 30 years old
uh excuse u i'm 19 so ur already wrong smh

can we get some horoscopes based on that last digits of our id for max relatability

If your BLID ends in 1 you're a big idiot hahaha


they are either charles or inferior to me