Author Topic: how can i avoid this girl?  (Read 3194 times)

so my friend has a sister that's into me and is borderline creepy about it. i would normally just go out of my way to avoid this person, but i'm always hanging out with said friend. we always have lan parties at his place because my internet is loving garbage. what makes matters worse is his friends at the lan party egging me on to try to get with this creepy girl.

anyways, what should i do?

tell her to leave you alone? can you not think for yourself at all? what do you expect us to tell you, dude

Lock her up and torture her for a while. She'll never come near you again ^.^

Lock her up and torture her for a while. She'll never come near you again ^.^
what if she enjoys it owo

so my friend has a sister that's into me and is borderline creepy about it. i would normally just go out of my way to avoid this person, but i'm always hanging out with said friend. we always have lan parties at his place because my internet is loving garbage. what makes matters worse is his friends at the lan party egging me on to try to get with this creepy girl.

anyways, what should i do?
why do you want to avoid her in the first place get some pusillanimous individual brother wtf

why do you want to avoid her in the first place get some pusillanimous individual brother wtf

forget that.

i've caught her taking pictures of me while i was sleeping and telling others we're dating. it's uncomfortable being in the same vicinity as her.

forget that.

i've caught her taking pictures of me while i was sleeping and telling others we're dating. it's uncomfortable being in the same vicinity as her.
she clearly wants your richard whats wrong with her, lemme guess she's ugly

tell her to leave you alone? can you not think for yourself at all? what do you expect us to tell you, dude

tell her to leave you alone? can you not think for yourself at all? what do you expect us to tell you, dude

she clearly wants your richard whats wrong with her, lemme guess she's ugly

This is some socially stunted stuff

Don't make it a big deal. It's just a crush, it'll probably blow over in a week so long as you're not a huge weirdo about it

Maybe you should, uh, use your words