Author Topic: Roseanne Cancelled, Jobs lost over SJW bullstuff  (Read 17964 times)

The right wing has become more sensitive than the leftism they despise.

except they've always been this sensitive

they were the punching bags for decades; the SJW meme just took the spotlight off them for a few years

it's like every day matthew strives to reach some new level of handicap on this forum

kinda like powerlifting but with stuffposts

MM will literally die if he doesnt make a fool of himself every single day

i cried when roseanne hugged dan and said "i dont wanna go"

except they've always been this sensitive

they were the punching bags for decades; the SJW meme just took the spotlight off them for a few years

thanks for the insight electrk

except they've always been this sensitive

they were the punching bags for decades; the SJW meme just took the spotlight off them for a few years

Aren't you the guy who got assblasted over Bogdanoff memes?

uh oh here comes the anti-electrk coalition

uh oh here comes the anti-electrk coalition

"omfg this circlejerk"

stop trying to be matthew

Honestly? forget Electrk. Another one of those Idiot Libtards (source: me)

hey electrck. i notice you are under a lot of fire right now. i think you could boost your credibility by posting a picture of your kids or something.

It amuses me greatly to read through the right-wingers up in arms over this on facebook

'What do you mean we can't be publicly tribal and keep our job? Muh free speech!'

It amuses me greatly to read through the right-wingers up in arms over this on facebook

'What do you mean we can't be publicly tribal and keep our job? Muh free speech!'
Missing the loving point.
This is why the democrats lose elections now, they can't not be out of touch.

Missing the loving point.
This is why the democrats lose elections now, they can't not be out of touch.
You don't have a point because all your posts are trash lol