Author Topic: guns that are actualey accureate  (Read 4438 times)

in all honestly even if it was nerfed whats the fun in having a gun pointed at someone and have every single bullet correctly shot at someone precisely? theres reasons why there are more accurate guns in weapon packs, guess what? they also have a handicap! woah what a loving surprise!

besides most addon makers usually make it so first few shots are accurate

in all honestly even if it was nerfed whats the fun in having a gun pointed at someone and have every single bullet correctly shot at someone precisely? theres reasons why there are more accurate guns in weapon packs, guess what? they also have a handicap! woah what a loving surprise!

besides most addon makers usually make it so first few shots are accurate

do you even understand how forgeten guns work or are you just loving mega reatarted

what about        rocket launchers

in all honestly even if it was nerfed whats the fun in having a gun pointed at someone and have every single bullet correctly shot at someone precisely?

the fun is in the fact that the gun is performing like a gun lol. what is the fun in the gun being inaccurate as stuff and not hitting what you're aiming at?

you can handicap a weapon while still allowing it to emulate a firearm with bullet-drop, bullet velocity, and recoil strength

I like it when the creators of guns can’t find a way to make things balanced so they slap a handicap on me that I can’t control anything about.
but when other games do it its not as big of a deal??

like first shot accuracy isn't common in BL, but its being done more as of late. and perfect accuracy doesnt work well with BL combat mechanics, esp when clients always have an adjustable 15x scope that servers cant disable. thats honestly the real problem, cause in other games with perfect accuracy guns you can't just zoom all the way in to guarantee your shots are spot on

Pretty serious discussion about a joke thread. Interesting.

I haven't really witnessed guns being as inaccurate as described. Unless you're trying to snipe with a pistol or something.
Low accuracy is a trade-off when it comes to fast weapons and shotguns. You make the weapon that much more unavoidable/better against crowds. But lessen the dps to mid/far range targets. Best not to think of accuracy on how it affects each individual bullet. Instead, the entire confrontation is important. Yes, many of your shots are missing, that's fine. The coverage is still important, and you're still dealing damage with the shots that do hit. That's what the weapon is balanced around. Blockland isn't a cover based shooter and never will be. Your hitbox is a non-rotating cuboid. Your pistol doesn't need to be a personal sniping machine.

Edit: As a sidenote, I like how the enemy is seemingly moving to the right in the image (it would be to the left for himself). That is the most effective way to move against people who play in first person.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 02:09:20 PM by Shift Kitty »

but when other games do it its not as big of a deal??
No, I dislike it when anybody does it. You’re right about the zoom thing though.

Pretty serious discussion about a joke thread. Interesting.

I haven't really witnessed guns being as inaccurate as described. Unless you're trying to snipe with a pistol or something.
Low accuracy is a trade-off when it comes to fast weapons and shotguns. You make the weapon that much more unavoidable/better against crowds. But lessen the dps to mid/far range targets. Best not to think of accuracy on how it affects each individual bullet. Instead, the entire confrontation is important. Yes, many of your shots are missing, that's fine. The coverage is still important, and you're still dealing damage with the shots that do hit. That's what the weapon is balanced around. Blockland isn't a cover based shooter and never will be. Your hitbox is a non-rotating cuboid. Your pistol doesn't need to be a personal sniping machine.

Edit: As a sidenote, I like how the enemy is seemingly moving to the right in the image (it would be to the left for himself). That is the most effective way to move against people who play in first person.

This all being said, I actually dislike inaccurate weapons for an entirely different reason. No amount of movement helps you fight against them. They're just a cone of constant damage that you cannot avoid.
Sure, you can just be a better shot in most cases and still win. But that's still damage you took that you couldn't do anything about. And in some cases, you actually can't be a better shot. Some servers have that stupid red flashing effect and particles that completely obscure your vision. And because of the frequency of the damage, it feels tenfold compared to the 'git gud' weapons. Even without that, some of the weapons practically blind you (twin spam rifles) so there's no difference there. And then some weapons even have stupid stuff like .setVelocity on their projectiles which not only kill your momentum but also slowly knock you into the air, making movement and aim not an option. And if you don't use a spraying weapon, your 'poor aim' that's being forgeted with by impacts and blinding effects is more heavily punished.

when i design weapon packs i design for groups of range, 15 tu, 30 tu and 90tu respectively as low, medium and long+ range.

these numbers are based purely on common map design i've seen, esp with deathmatch servers like elektrk's quake tdm or other tdm servers. maps that have tight corridors will usually have corners where the distance between you and an enemy will be like 10-15 torque units, and middle range combat like where you're fighting on bridges or in flat areas between buildings, is usually like 30-40 tu, while all long range combat will take place above 70 or 80.

ive experimented with 100% accurate guns before that use distance damage falloff, and they all suck, purely because hitting a moving target is pretty difficult in blockland. The collision box moves ahead of whats seen by the client prediction, so you might shoot someone's arm and it will miss because their collision box has mvoed a whole foot to the left or something. because of that limitation, ive found that inaccurate help by distributing the damage over a wider cone, ensuring that you are guaranteed to hit your target a certain number of times, and your skill in the battle is determined by your positioning rather than your aim. bushido's quake pack really evades this limitation well by introducing the missile launcher and railgun as the main meta weapons, both of which are splash weapons. since hitting your target with a perfectly accurate shot can either be really difficult or painfully easy, its better to reward players for hitting in the approximate area rather than that exact vector. not only that but the splash radius allows for rocket jumping, which makes for the perfect positioning/flanking weapon. it really serves so many purposes that it becomes almost essential

snipers are for people who want to reap the benefits of good aiming, while submachine guns and shotuns are for people who want to reap the benefits of positioning. this dichotomy is key for designing a diverse and balanced weapon pack.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 06:44:59 PM by thegoodperry »

can u design ur weapon packs to use a different shade of grey than the one you have saved in your color wheel presets you fat f*****

colorshift is my life. i cannot betray the holy colorshift god i bow to

If you look at real full-auto weapons, if you hold the trigger and spray, yeah it's gonna be pretty damn inaccurate.

But if you switch it to semi auto, or just quickly tap the trigger, then it's perfectly capable of accurate fire. Not sniper rifle level accuracy, but far more than any handgun

I've never seen a BL weapon replicate good single shot/burst accuracy like this. In BL, Single shots are just as inaccurate as full spraying.

Now, having a good recoil system (meaning with each shot, the muzzle jerks up / to the side) probably wouldn't be doable in BL. But there's no reason that having a spread rate that increases/decreases as you hold the trigger would not be doable.

That, plus the fact that projectiles are just too damn slow, makes BL deathmatches really unfun to me

recoil has been done before
bullets are slow due to a limit with the torque engine

muzzle jerks up

Muzzle can jerk to the side but not up. It might be possible with an edited version of movehandler.dll. Someone should bug metario about it lol

I just love it when I fire a loving handgun and the bullet catches the bus and arrives 2 hours later and is 5 meters from the crosshair