[news] liberal SJWs killed miss america

Author Topic: [news] liberal SJWs killed miss america  (Read 1401 times)


Well goodbye miss america.

I guess people like hunnie booboo's mom will be on it now.

I guess people like hunnie booboo's mom will be on it now.

More meat to feed starving children. This is a good thing.

i cant believe they killed miss america in infinity war

So what I want to know is, why do these people purposely make their programs more "PC friendly" despite their significant drop in ratings.

I thought these people only do bullstuff that gives them ratings and money.

Do they make their programs more "pc friendly" thinking it will increase their ratings/money?

Despite SJWs being the vocal minority, that's all they are. A miniority. Not only that but average SJWs have no interest in buying stuff anyways so appealing to them is a waste of time.

this was already posted

you even replied in that thread already

Japan has learned that appealing to SJWs is a waste of time.

I've seen so many SJWs call for a boycott to specific japanese games coming over to america.

The devs tell them to forget off because they know they had no interest in buying the game anyways so the boycott has no value.

you even replied in that thread already

So why are you bringing it to my attention then if you already know that I know?

That thread doesn't have a paul joseph watson video.


you can take away my guns...

...but you cannot take away miss america

miss america is literally dead

click on link
see paul joseph watson

What about it?

why didnt u just post this link in the thread, the op could be a comment to the thread