Author Topic: Net Neutrality officially ends on June 11th  (Read 5344 times)

I wish I could post this but I can't afford the forum package :(

reminder: this will affect outside the US as anything hosted in the US will be affected, as well as affecting the states listed
nice that my state's listed though

the only thing governments should regulate are themselves.

if this wasn't you saying that i would have zero issues

I can't believe people are legitimately still worried about net neutrality ending lol. It's also hilarious that the 80% of users freaking out about this are like 15 years old

my parents are gonna have to pay an extra dollar for Netflix guys

net neutrality allowed monopolys to exist, internet should be the utility it now is.

yes it sucks that a company or isp can charge you extra for use if they wanted. np right? just switch to the competition, oh thats right... net neutrality killed it...because there is like 1 company to use in your area... you are trying to solve the problem with more of what caused it (having net neutrality). fools.

with allowed/regulated competition, no company would have the balls to upcharge you when another can beat their price.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 02:13:13 PM by Bisjac »

Lmao and cnn is the source of info? Theyre about as bad as loving buzzfeed

Lmao and cnn is the source of info? Theyre about as bad as loving buzzfeed
All news outlets and newspapers are bullstuff
"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

Once again the mighty Bisjac (loveybeast) crushes all competition with his cynical logic.
in case it's not obvious I'm in agreement, just poking fun of the cynicism.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 10:08:38 AM by Mardalf »

net neutrality allowed monopolys to exist, internet should be the utility it now is.

yes it sucks that a company or isp can charge you extra for use if they wanted. np right? just switch to the competition, oh thats right... net neutrality killed it...because there is like 1 company to use in your area... you are trying to solve the problem with more of what caused it (having net neutrality). fools.

with allowed/regulated competition, no company would have the balls to upcharge you when another can beat their price.
so what is removing net neutrality going to do now? isps won't just magically spring up in areas where only one exists. where i live, there's only one choice and it's 40 dollar per month for 1.5 megabits per second. it's all on the phone lines too. when is the removal of net neutrality supposed to bring cheaper, competitive options to my area?

In time you impatient bufoon

we've had pretty much the same amount of options since before the "official" net neutrality rules were put into place in 2015 and it isn't changing any time soon. removing rules to keep the internet relatively open will not allow competition to be created. a few corporations own a majority of the infrastructure that allows access to the internet and it's incredibly expensive to enter the market. they were given money to expand the infrastructure and all they did was pocket it. deregulation like this is anti-consumer and i don't know why any of you would support it. deregulation is not always good.

net neutrality allowed monopolys to exist, internet should be the utility it now is.

yes it sucks that a company or isp can charge you extra for use if they wanted. np right? just switch to the competition, oh thats right... net neutrality killed it...because there is like 1 company to use in your area... you are trying to solve the problem with more of what caused it (having net neutrality). fools.

with allowed/regulated competition, no company would have the balls to upcharge you when another can beat their price.
bisjac, your entire point here is "net neutrality killed competition." you never explain how it did. how exactly did having these rules kill it?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 10:29:32 AM by Daswiruch »