
Are we Over Analyzing Verification's shedding Pubic Hair

Yes! He's Just a Short chap!
No. I've Seen enough richards to Know that Shedding Pubic Hair is Not normal.        Son

Author Topic: shave pubes or let it grow  (Read 4536 times)

Shaven is better imo
Who wants hairs in their mouth?

yeah but when you shave its mega itchy
I never have a problem with itchiness, I just get mad razor bumps if I shave too close

What do YouThink boys? Are we over brown townyzing the poor chap?
no. punish him

no. punish him
uhhhh............... actualy no. we will skip that part

The trail is still    Not Fair. Vote Yes so it Is fair. We have Only so much time. It is a Speedy trial