Author Topic: Completely Invisible Item  (Read 1525 times)

Started up a server with a few add-ons plus Tier Tactical. The Tier Tactical Bullpup gun as seen in the picture looked fine on the brick, but when I equipped it it looked completely invisible, with the sky showing through. Also when I walked over the item and picked it up from the brick, the item on the brick also became invisible after respawning. The item looks fine when it is dropped. Did flushtexturecache(); and resetlighting(); in the console, but it didn't help. It only seems to affect the Bullpup, as the other items were fine.

doColorShift is probably set to true without a colorShiftColor set on the item image

Checked and it seems correct:
Code: [Select]
datablock ItemData(BullpupItem)
   doColorShift = true;
   colorShiftColor = "0.3 0.3 0.35 1.000";

datablock ShapeBaseImageData(BullpupImage)
   doColorShift = true;
   colorShiftColor = BullpupItem.colorShiftColor;

Issue resolved but I'm really baffled by the cause. Apparently commenting out certain image state variable in the Bullpup fixes the colorshift? I was editing this copy, so it did have some extra image states compared to the original. Fiddling around with it, I suspect it has something to do with too much image state data messing with the colorshift somehow.
Code: [Select]
stateName[0]                     = "Activate";
stateTimeoutValue[0]             = 0.05;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[0]       = "LoadCheckA";
stateSound[0] = weaponSwitchSound;

stateName[1]                     = "Ready";
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[1]       = "Reload";
stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[1]  = "FireCheckA";
stateAllowImageChange[1]         = true;

stateName[2]                    = "Fire";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[2]     = "BurstCheck1";
stateTimeoutValue[2]            = 0.08;
stateFire[2]                    = true;
stateAllowImageChange[2]        = false;
stateScript[2]                  = "onFire";
stateEjectShell[2]          = true;
stateEmitter[2] = gunFlashEmitter;
stateEmitterTime[2] = 0.05;
stateEmitterNode[2] = "muzzleNode";
stateWaitForTimeout[2] = true;
stateSound[2] = bullpupFire1Sound;

stateName[3] = "Delay";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[3]     = "FireLoadCheckA";
stateTimeoutValue[3]            = 0.06;
stateEmitter[3] = gunSmokeEmitter;
stateEmitterTime[3] = 0.03;
stateEmitterNode[3] = "muzzleNode";

stateName[4] = "LoadCheckA";
stateScript[4] = "TT_onLoadCheck";
stateTimeoutValue[4] = 0.01;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[4] = "LoadCheckB";

stateName[5] = "LoadCheckB";
stateTransitionOnAmmo[5] = "Ready";
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[5] = "Empty";

stateName[6] = "Reload";
stateTimeoutValue[6] = 1.6;
stateScript[6] = "onReloadStart";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[6] = "Wait";
stateWaitForTimeout[6] = true;

stateName[7] = "Wait";
stateTimeoutValue[7] = 0.8;
stateScript[7] = "onReloadWait";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[7] = "Reloaded";

stateName[8] = "FireLoadCheckA";
stateScript[8] = "TT_onLoadCheck";
stateTimeoutValue[8] = 0.01;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[8] = "FireLoadCheckB";

stateName[9] = "FireLoadCheckB";
stateTransitionOnAmmo[9] = "Smoke";
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[9] = "ReloadSmoke";

stateName[10] = "Smoke";
stateEmitter[10] = gunSmokeEmitter;
stateEmitterTime[10] = 0.3;
stateEmitterNode[10] = "muzzleNode";
stateTimeoutValue[10] = 0.2;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[10] = "Ready";
stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[10] = "Fire";

stateName[11] = "ReloadSmoke";
stateEmitter[11] = gunSmokeEmitter;
stateEmitterTime[11] = 0.3;
stateEmitterNode[11] = "muzzleNode";
stateTimeoutValue[11] = 0.2;
stateTransitionOnTimeout[11] = "Empty";

stateName[12] = "Reloaded";
stateTimeoutValue[12] = 0.01;
stateScript[12] = "onReloaded";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[12] = "Ready";

stateName[13]                    = "Fire1";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[13]     = "BurstCheck2";
stateTimeoutValue[13]            = 0.08;
stateAllowImageChange[13]        = false;
stateScript[13]                  = "onFire";
stateEjectShell[13]          = true;
stateEmitter[13] = gunFlashEmitter;
stateEmitterTime[13] = 0.05;
stateEmitterNode[13] = "muzzleNode";
stateWaitForTimeout[13] = true;
stateSound[13] = bullpupFire1Sound;
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[13] = "NoFire1";

stateName[14]                    = "Fire2";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[14]     = "Delay";
stateTimeoutValue[14]            = 0.08;
stateAllowImageChange[14]        = false;
stateScript[14]                  = "onFire";
stateEjectShell[14]          = true;
stateEmitter[14] = gunFlashEmitter;
stateEmitterTime[14] = 0.05;
stateEmitterNode[14] = "muzzleNode";
stateWaitForTimeout[14] = true;
stateSound[14] = bullpupFire1Sound;
stateTransitionOnNoAmmo[14] = "NoFire2";

stateName[15]                   = "Empty";
stateTransitionOnNotLoaded[15]  = "Reload";
stateTransitionOnLoaded[15]     = "LoadCheckA";

stateName[16]                    = "FireCheckA";
stateScript[16]                  = "TT_onFireCheck";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[16]     = "FireCheckB";

stateName[17]                    = "FireCheckB";
stateTransitionOnNotLoaded[17]   = "Fire";
stateTransitionOnLoaded[17]      = "Empty";

stateName[18]                    = "NoFire1";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[18]     = "NoFire2";
stateTimeoutValue[18]            = 0.08;
stateAllowImageChange[18]        = false;
stateWaitForTimeout[18]    = true;
stateSound[18]       = block_ChangeBrick_Sound;

stateName[19]                    = "NoFire2";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[19]     = "Delay";
stateTimeoutValue[19]            = 0.08;
stateAllowImageChange[19]        = false;
stateWaitForTimeout[19]    = true;
stateSound[19]       = block_ChangeBrick_Sound;

stateName[20]                    = "BurstCheck1";
stateScript[20]                  = "onBurstCheck";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[20]     = "Fire1";
stateTimeoutValue[20]            = 0.01;

stateName[21]                    = "BurstCheck2";
stateScript[21]                  = "onBurstCheck";
stateTransitionOnTimeout[21]     = "Fire2";
stateTimeoutValue[21]            = 0.01;
Commenting out both stateTimeoutValue[20] and stateTimeoutValue[21] fixes the issue, commenting out only 1 causes the image to look invisible, leaving both uncommented causes the image to look as if there were no colorshift applied.

thats perfectly normal, it's just going into stealth mode