
What do you think about porn?

Can't live without it!
21 (27.6%)
I watch it a few times
24 (31.6%)
Meh, I don't really care
11 (14.5%)
I don't really watch or like research
11 (14.5%)
research is loving gay
9 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 76

Author Topic: Yo what's your opinion on research?  (Read 3609 times)

committing tax fraud is one of my special interestes too

what about cybertronians
sorry bitch but I only speak english

the only good research is of old men who rub two pennies together

i dont like it. get it outta ere

it's not christian

I'm loving sick of being made fun of for masturbating.

I mean what the hell is the big deal about love? You're just sticking your richard in a mushy slab of meat, big loving whoop. I wasted my entire senior year doing that, and all I wasn't even allowed to put the loving work experience on my CV.

Then there's the limitations. "oh, I'm too hot!" "I had a rough day!", "It hurts big brother!" There's always a good excuse for everyone to bitch and moan, and nothing ever comes out of it. And that's not even taking into consideration the loving charade we go through for ten minutes of miserable love, and the loving fortune you have to drop for flowers, dinner, sleeping pills, chocolates, etc...

And don't get me started about that 'intimacy' bullstuff. You're rubbing against each other, like a pair of brain-dead orangutangs, and you expect me to think it's romantic? If I knew all it would take for people to accept some gross, sweaty, mess was to come up with a sappy adjective, I might have actually showered for English class.

No, in the end procrastination is everything love isn't. It's fun, relaxing, and I don't have to move and change my name everytime I'm done. It's everything I wanted, and I don't think I'm ever going back.

So if you're like me; a conventionally attractive but non-athletic person with poor eyesight, who hasn't taken any self defence courses and doesn't live near any sort of law enforcement, PM me your address, and together, we can start making a difference.
you’ll understand when you’re older
actually you probably won’t so nevermind
only the furry kind