Article 13 WILL effect you, even if you aren't in the EU.


Is Article 13 worse than the removal of Net Neutrality?


Author Topic: Article 13 WILL effect you, even if you aren't in the EU.  (Read 2348 times)

grrr goodbye memes and europeen friends grrr

lolololol forget off europeans

god will you please stop being a stupid piece of stuff

you stupid motherloving piece of stuff


sign my petition to have matthew deported to europe

They have agreed to censor the forget out of things in china already haven't they?

yeah idfk why there wasn’t a bigger riot over that

This is straight up just meddling in other countries' affairs. If they continue with this censorship of content the correct plan of action would be trade sanctions. The internet is more than just a pass-time now, but a part of society.

This is straight up just meddling in other countries' affairs. If they continue with this censorship of content the correct plan of action would be trade sanctions. The internet is more than just a pass-time now, but a part of society.
nobody cares

Idea: rebel against the EU which is full of loving handicaps by spamming memes everywhere

This is straight up just meddling in other countries' affairs. If they continue with this censorship of content the correct plan of action would be trade sanctions. The internet is more than just a pass-time now, but a part of society.

We live in a society