
What fo you think about Gamergate?

I think it's right

Author Topic: Blf, what is your opinion on #Gamergate?  (Read 982 times)



What is you opinion about it? Do you find it a right movement, discriminatory or both?

I don't know the controversy but like 99% of game protagonists have absolutely zero personality so it's expected for women characters to also have no personality and be interpreted as objects since women aren't really anything else but love objects when you take away their personality. See: grey garden, wadanohara and the great blue cunt

On the flip side there are autists like Tony who think any kind of depth given to a female character is a forced leftist tactic which is pretty stupid.

Games should be focusing more on character development and use key differences between lovees as foundation for personalities, just like in real life. Like we have games where you play as hot female bounty hunters and assassin's who could easily be male by all intensive purposes. But there are no games with like, a pregnant protagonist, that explore maternity and build the character around their choices. In that sense games with females can seem pretty forced because they could just as easily be male, but they aren't because of some ambiguous social pressure

Heavy rain did a great job with it's characters and especially the dad character, since they built his personality around his paternal emotions and struggles. Games need to do more of that but with girls. Doesnt need to involve children, but it should involve an intrinsically female characteristic (rape victim doesn't count)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 03:31:49 PM by PhantOS »

isnt gamergate something to do with ants

Goobergate burned my house down and murdered my family

Goobergate burned my house down and murdered my family
This they burned my water and poisoned our houses.

us gamers r opress'd gamrars rise up!

anything good that could have come from something like gamergate got ruined by idiots and redditors having their day

anything good that could have come from something like gamergate got ruined by idiots and redditors having their day

strong agree