
Whre did they go?

7 (63.6%)
4 (36.4%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: Where did BLM go?  (Read 3391 times)

So where the forget is BLM? WHERE THE forget ARE THEY?

Don't tell me I have to look under the loving rock to find them.

They should be out in plain sight covered by outside sources.

you literally have someone following blm right here you huge tit
do you know what youre looking for?

you literally have someone following blm right here you huge tit

So someone randomly on a loving obscure forum about legos following BLM somehow makes BLM relevant.

Good loving job.

what is relevant to you is literally defined by you which you know because thats why you made this thread

What do you people not loving get? Like seriously.

Do you hear about BLM in the news? No.

Do you hear about BLM in the newspaper? No.

Do you hear about BLM in your local community? No.

Do you hear about BLM only if you follow them on facebook? Yes.

That doesn't sound loving relevant to me.

what is relevant to you is literally defined by you which you know because thats why you made this thread

WHat is relevant by loving general public opinion.

BLM is not loving relevant anymore.

YOU can't sit here and tell me everyone is talking about BLM but only if I follow them directly.

Get outta here with this loving strawman.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 09:00:31 PM by King Tøny »

I don't have to follow Annoying Orange's twitter account to know what he's saying because I'll hear about what he says in the loving news the next day.

If I don't follow BLM on twitter, I won't hear about it because it won't be covered by the news or other sources.

Is this so loving hard for you to understand? THEY HAVE NO loving OUTSIDE COVERAGE ANYMORE THEY ARE NO LONGER RELEVANT.

So I'm going to loving ask you again.

Where did BLM go?

Because I don't loving see them or hear from them from any outside source and don't even tell me to follow them because I'm just going to ignore that statement because you are clearly missing the loving point.

the rare quintuple post

Ok blm isn't relevant anymore... Big deal

cmon guys if you hadn't interrupted him we could've broken his previous streak of 7

Ok blm isn't relevant anymore...

Thank you, someone finally gets it.

Where the forget are they?

Because they clearly aren't talked about anymore from outside sources.

When BLM stages a protest you won't even hear about that stuff in the news anymore either.

man you formulate your posts so weird it doesnt even feel like youre responding to me nor does the conversation feel like it ever got past its first argument
probably has to do with you getting 5 posts in a row before i even get to read the first one lol