Author Topic: Im looking for a looping bot attack event  (Read 556 times)


But im looking for a way to make it so the event loops, for now, it doesn't seem possible to loop a bot attacking event as I've searched everywhere even on google.
What I mean by this is instead of the bot being aggressive or shooting the player; I need the bot to just shoot infinitely, but with a loop.
Relays don't seem to work as the input is OnRelay which leads to Self, or named brick which then leads to only certain events like SetbotPowered, and Setbotappearance.

I really need this as the bot I'm working on is not designed to be aggressive, but is needed to keep shooting to as much as it can until it dies by a player, much help would be greatly appreciated.

If you want more clarity basically; I want the bot to shoot at a named brick infinitely until it dies from any situation, but I can't find a way to loop it unless you can do it with VCE, any and all methods would be greatly appreciated again, even inquiring VCE. (BTW: If it involves scripting, don't even tell me it's possible.. I bet it is, but the thing is I don't know a single thing about scripting, nor do I know how to even set a proper function so please don't suggest scripting thanks.

I asked mctwist to make a change with his firerelaynum event to work with bots so that onrelay > bot could work with that event since I have a modified version of onrelay to work with bots.
thankfully he made it work since. That's typically how I event my cutscenes for my projects and such.