Author Topic: Mango 2 (41899) and [AEWG] Barbaring (159798), $15 for Admin  (Read 13402 times)

isn't glass hosting only 7$ a month

why does he need $15
because admin is a very important role, it means you have to make sure no rules are broken, new players are taught how to play and you have to keep the peace.... it's a big role that's why it's $15...

if you want me to trust you with powers that make or break a server you gotta pay me off with bribe money

isn't glass hosting only 7$ a month

why does he need $15
i sed dis in le op noob

I didn't even know about this.

slip me a 20 and you get co owner on my darkrp server


we need to start the cleansing of 8 year olds from our world of blockland

world peace has been achieved
no more handicaps roam blockland
the aids levels have dropped to 0


hell is breaking lose
"go loving kill yourselves" - very shortened version of badspot's quote becomes spammed everywhere
you should really go do the thing above when you play this game
badspot will abandon blockland fully
anarchy will happen.

why don't we start with you


we need to start the cleansing of 8 year olds from our world of blockland

world peace has been achieved
no more handicaps roam blockland
the aids levels have dropped to 0


hell is breaking lose
"go loving kill yourselves" - very shortened version of badspot's quote becomes spammed everywhere
you should really go do the thing above when you play this game
badspot will abandon blockland fully
anarchy will happen.
Why don't we start cleansing with you I'm sure I'm not 8

What a loving starfish, one of the admins also orbed through the little block where stuff like lmgs and a ban hammer was shown and ban hammered like 3 people.

Why don't we start cleansing with you I'm sure I'm not 8
oh stuff i just activated a salt shaker

Why don't we start cleansing with you I'm sure I'm not 8
shut le forget up liberal

Why don't we start cleansing with you I'm sure I'm not 8
Big brain post

he's using a new map now that i've made this drama
notice the different in quality from that hallway and the camera room, he probably ripped someone else off
Ask anyone on the server at the time I built the camera room

What a loving starfish, one of the admins also orbed through the little block where stuff like lmgs and a ban hammer was shown and ban hammered like 3 people.
could you tell me who that was ill take care of them man I really am a loving starfish!!!