Author Topic: Post some obscure and weird Cartoon AND Live Action shows  (Read 7056 times)

theres a reason why this show fell into obscurity
« Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 03:46:15 AM by Daswiruch »

Leaked FFVII remasterd images

I completely forgot about this show despite it actually being pretty good.5

ok who loving remembers a specific 321 Penguins flash game

i can't for the life of me remember what it was even about but I need to see it again

spangebob squar panst
pretty much anything from disney xd
not really obscure but it's not like world's most well known popular thing either, there was this show called kick buttowski or somethung where this forgetin bald kid does insane stuff and it had this line rider type flash game that refuses to work and tells me my browser is outdated even though i'm on windows 10 with latest chrome???
but mostly the live action shows from the early 2010s. there were these two guys on disney xd that were called like zack and loser or something and it was young me's way of finding out it was 1 am
and uh talking about night live action drake and josh was on nick @ nite back then and it was WILD

zack and loser
Um it's pronounced zeke and luther thank you very much

i only have the vaguest memory of watching this. Apparently its made by the veggietales crew so that might be why.
i remember seeing ads for that stuff at the start of one of my veggietales vhs tapes
i forgetin loved this stuff when i was younger

also do any of you brothers remember a little curious

i forgetin loved this stuff when i was younger
it was kind of creepy, mainly talking about the revolting slob one that stuff was weird. I loved the puzzle and mystery ones like the sketch dude.

these were my stuff, i'm literally named after srmthfg

[img width=600 ][/img]

[img width=600 ][/img]

these were my stuff, i'm literally named after srmthfg
Yin Yang Yo was alright, i have a poster or something that i won from a thing, but SRMTHFG was an amazing show

theres a reason why this show fell into obscurity
i remember watching this show on cartoon network back in 2012

i wish i didnt remember watching it.