
Which CRP server was the best?

Yorktown95 Mar 2012
Wink Jul 2012
Furdle Aug 2012
Jasa Feb 2013
Yorktown95 Jun 2013
Yorktown95 Apr 2014
CRP2 July 2019

Author Topic: CRP2 - Update Pg8  (Read 85168 times)

Remove imprisonment as a whole or add some obvious escape mechanism like friends being able to break you out in some creative way or other stuff. The fact that arbitrary prison times even exists in a game that encourages crime so much is really handicapped and I'm surprised nobody has even considered removing it yet. Make it so demerits lower your max health or something, or send off a beacon that let's you know where the criminal is. There's no point putting some stupid halt on people's gameplay just for trying to have fun and using the actual mechanics that are provided in the game (guns, gunstores) and it shouldn't exist and there's absolutely no dispute possible over this

Prison time isn't fun. It doesn't discourage crime because if it did then police would be useless 99% of the game. It has absolutely no place in the game and should be reworked or replaced with a more cohesive crime mechanic. Every hour your server runs with imprisonment times is a 100 point penalty on my Official Objectively Correct Perry Server Opinion Rating System
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 02:20:14 AM by thegoodperry »

prison system is meant to punish you for doing crime and getting caught lol
literally nothing wrong with it, u do the crime u do the time.
if ur bored of waiting for 30mins in prison for mass genocide, ur fault dude

yes i know its to prevent crime from happening all the time but jesus loving christ make it like 1-5 minutes with another penalty we're playing games to have fun not to wait 30 minutes to have fun again for a short time

I agree, there should of course be a system for jail but it shouldn't be boring and long for no reason.

Should prisoners be able to grapple knife death match against other prisoners for reduced jail time?

Should prisoners be able to grapple knife death match against other prisoners for reduced jail time?
Jesus loving christ I shouldn't have posted in this thread

prison system is meant to punish you for doing crime and getting caught lol
literally nothing wrong with it, u do the crime u do the time.
if ur bored of waiting for 30mins in prison for mass genocide, ur fault dude
why do guns exist if using them punishes you by making you wait for 30 minutes? why do gunshops exist? why police? why is crime, literally the least boring option in a game centered around literally waiting until you get bored (education system lol) punishable by.... get this.... waiting until you get bored?

You can't loving justify this stuff. There's no reason you need to 'do time's at all. Don't tell me it's realism because that's one of the worst excuses for adding stuffty mechanics to your game. Don't tell me it's fun either because being banned from playing the game for even one minute isn't fun it's boring. Don't tell me it makes sense either because why is there a whole weapon system in the game in the first place if the only outcome of using them is being punished?

Once you've committed a crime you have two options: hide until your demerits disappear, which takes say 5 minutes, or get arrested, which puts you in prison for 5 minutes. You can also take the hidden third option, which is to keep killing people so you can increase your waiting time I guess. So in the end crime has no purpose other than to burden players with arbitrary wait times with absolutely no reward. Therefore it's a terrible mechanic and should be removed
« Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 03:50:35 PM by thegoodperry »

just give prisoners stuff to do, like allowing them to escape then it will be fine

jail time is like looking at a loving brick wall for 30 minutes, there's literally nothing to do except use chat

why do guns exist if using them punishes you by making you wait for 30 minutes? why do gunshops exist? why police? why is crime, literally the least boring option in a game centered around literally waiting until you get bored (education system lol) punishable by.... get this.... waiting until you get bored?

You can't loving justify this stuff. There's no reason you need to 'do time's at all. Don't tell me it's realism because that's one of the worst excuses for adding stuffty mechanics to your game. Don't tell me it's fun either because being banned from playing the game for even one minute isn't fun it's boring. Don't tell me it makes sense either because why is there a whole weapon system in the game in the first place if the only outcome of using them is being punished?

Once you've committed a crime you have two options: hide until your demerits disappear, which takes say 5 minutes, or get arrested, which puts you in prison for 5 minutes. You can also take the hidden third option, which is to keep killing people so you can increase your waiting time I guess. So in the end crime has no purpose other than to burden players with arbitrary wait times with absolutely no reward. Therefore it's a terrible mechanic and should be removed
Paychecks literally appear in everyone's pockets at the exact same intervals and all money, lumber, ore, and items are dropped on death. The only way I could make it more rewarding without being ridiculous is if you were able to sell their dead body on the black market for cash.

If you read OP you would see that you can actually get away with crimes instead of everybody on the server magically knowing you did something. You can literally kill 80 people and not get a single demerit if you're smart and:
1) Don't leave witnesses
2) Don't commit crimes directly in front of a cop or camera
3) Don't leave behind any evidence

It's also a smart idea to actually see what players are doing before you kill them. If a player walks into a weapon shop, clicks on a bunch of buy bricks to check prices and then heads to the bank, chances are they will be walking out of the bank with cash in hand to purchase said item. Criminals can also pay lawyers ahead of time to bail them out or reduce their jailtime by paying off their demerits before they are imprisoned.

Jailtime isn't a mechanism to punish all criminals, it's a mechanism to punish the dumb criminals. Killing a player in broad daylight on mainstreet will most likely result in jailtime. Killing 5 players inside a food store and leaving behind a stuffton of evidence is a bad idea. Criminals should be forced to balance the risk/reward of committing a crime and be punished accordingly if they get caught. Criminals can also collect and sell resources while in jail to make up for whatever they lost during their crime spree.
Being a smart criminal can easily be the most fun and rewarding path in the game. However if you're a lousy criminal and spend a majority of your time in prison maybe you should look into a different career path.

That seems like a cool system but the rewards and punishments you give are still handicapped. Naturally being careful and smart in the manner you commit crimes should reward you by giving you bonuses while committing crimes clumsily should void those bonuses. The only thing you should be losing in the execution of your crime is whatever prompted you to commit that crime, such as the $5000 the person you killed was carrying. Your reward should be being able to walk away with that money and a bonus for successfully escaping. Punishing people by just making them wait for x amount of minutes because they don't fully understand how to get away with a crime is dumb as forget and could easily be made better by taking a different punishment instead: cutting paycheck until you manage to pull off a successful crime? reduced weapon power? Clearly arbitrary waiting is the least creative and functional solution to this problem and building more systems around this broken feature isn't fixing anything but rather making the whole game worse


That doesn't make sense though. Everything you just said would make the game worse. If jail didn't exist and there was only action, eventually it would get boring and stale. Jail time is the thing that makes you want to come back to crime. If there was "reduced weapon power", that would make the game unbalanced, as all players on a class need to have the same amount of power (that's game design 101).

Think about this: You're playing a Mario game, but there's no hub world to rethink the way you're playing the game after you get kicked out of a stage. The developers instead decide to make it so your jump height just goes down every time you die. That would piss you off, wouldn't it? You would keep dying and dying until playing isn't fun anymore. And then after you die, you respawn back into the world and the whole process repeats again with no way to fix it.

Jail time is the thing that makes you want to come back to crime.
please actually loving explain this to me

30 minutes of jail doesnt want you to come back to crime

Literally every video game punishes you by putting a halt on your gameplay in the form of respawn times. One thing I might consider is allowing jail time to tick away while you're not on the server.

Literally every video game punishes you by putting a halt on your gameplay in the form of respawn times.
please tell me what game makes you wait 30 minutes to respawn
One thing I might consider is allowing jail time to tick away while you're not on the server.
please yes