
Which CRP server was the best?

Yorktown95 Mar 2012
Wink Jul 2012
Furdle Aug 2012
Jasa Feb 2013
Yorktown95 Jun 2013
Yorktown95 Apr 2014
CRP2 July 2019

Author Topic: CRP2 - Update Pg8  (Read 83281 times)

have fun modding for an unmoddable game

brickadia has no mod support and its very unlikely there will be any

Also brickadia is deader than blockland depending on the day.

Brickadia at least has a future at this point. Blockland does not.

brick rigs surpassed brickadia just saying...

Brickadia at least has a future at this point. Blockland does not.
The only people who play brickadia are blockland users. If brickadia doesnt update soon it has less of a future than blockland. The ONLY thing brickadia has over blockland is updates. Same community, Same attempts at a moddable game. Same legos.

The only people who play brickadia are blockland users. If brickadia doesnt update soon it has less of a future than blockland. The ONLY thing brickadia has over blockland is updates. Same community, Same attempts at a moddable game. Same legos.
this, also weapons and cosmetic options do not count as proper updates. also it will never evolve past its little group since the admins are completely totalitarian on what you can host, not to mention that they're on eggshells rn that will all shatter if they gain a massive following by a bunch of mainstream users that will all find out that the devs knowingly have a child enthusiast on their team.

bruh didnt da creep get banned

Wait really? I thought they cut all ties! Pretty big if true
no they just waited until the heat died down and added him back, im talking about the one who drew cub research btw

man nigel u really have a bone to pick with br dont you

no they just waited until the heat died down and added him back, im talking about the one who drew cub research btw
this is not even true the slightest