Author Topic: The Quote Gayme  (Read 2304 times)

IDK just put random quotes here (can be anything)

"Ten sticks of dynamite. $400. Blowing up one of mankinds' oldest artworks? Priceless." - Serious Sam, SS3:BFE
"not funny" - Edd, 2018

"dude, nice" - TableSalt, 2017-2018

"Run guns, Sell drugs, Nail sluts & forget the law." -Abraham Lincoln

"Remember, 'Demon" can be an offensive term, refer to them as 'Mortally Challenged'" - some hologram person in the Doom Eternal Gameplay Demo, 2018

"forgetIN NINE HUNDRED richardS PER SECOND" -Carlsagan42

oh god my ass is bleeding - me

"i didnt say that" -tablesalt