
IS THIS NOT PORN!?!?!?!?!?

44 (36.4%)
33 (27.3%)
44 (36.4%)

Total Members Voted: 121

Author Topic: THIS LINK IS'T research IDIOT  (Read 49050 times)

welcome to greenbh's e-tard history class, today's lesson is furries.

Furries are a group of people who stay together because they need that e-secks reaaal bad because they just can't get it in real life.

or maybe they are socially handicapped and need to find some place they can be accepted. of course that is around other handicaps that make the new handicap worse by having their behaviors like e-secks.

The only good furries are the ones that aren't putting their "furry" part of themselves first. The reason I can accept them is because they do a lot more things then be a furcigarette and don't want everybody to know they are one. They are a furry the same way we are straight people, we don't shove it down your throat, we just are what we are.

Furcigarettes mostly want you to know they are a furry. Reason being is because they think it's a big deal or are so uninteresting the only thing about themselves that sticks out is being a furry. That's why on some forums and stuff furcigarettes have dumbstuff generic furry avatars and maybe even a message under their avatar like "forum.com's lewd fox" or something. That stuff only makes people look down at you or be disgusted by you.

Only 5% of furries are respectable, and I'm afraid OP does not fall under this category.
not to mention have no money most of the time

not to mention have no money most of the time
That's not specific to furries, that's just life

i guess posting softcore furry smut is the best way to bait for responses considering how much y'all feel the need to respond lmfao

blockland brothers be like
OP has monkey autism
loving furries
OP, you aren't funny and you should understand I don't like you. So don't try joking around with me. Also, you'd be better off leaving the forums.
As an Italian, his kind is not welcome here.
actually 10% so not far off
Please change your research avatar. Its not allowed on this site
No wonder you're a furry, people like me don't spew autism like this so quickly. Or even at your level.

Also, yes it is research. You should remove it before you get banned. Did you know badspot doesn't take kindly to furcigarettes?
Remember when BLF was a no-furry zone? I miss those days.
here's the kicker

how can people pretending to be animals fit into regular society? how can somebody that goes online and pretends to be a dog fit in with everybody knowing they do that?
Mutti is weird as forget, quote me if you agree
Press A to strive for attention
that's friend speak for "I can jerk off to this"

imagine being best friends with a furcigarette who has e-love on discord and is too open about their special interestes, and is a social nightmare in real life.

That was what my cousin had to sit through. Pretty sure that degenerate is registered here. Luckily he cut all ties with him so we good.

you know what, let's turn this thread into Furry Horror Stories. I've got tons of material thanks to my cousin.

Felipe0_0 has better grammar then this absolute degenerate.
welcome to greenbh's e-tard history class, today's lesson is furries.

Furries are a group of people who stay together because they need that e-secks reaaal bad because they just can't get it in real life.

or maybe they are socially handicapped and need to find some place they can be accepted. of course that is around other handicaps that make the new handicap worse by having their behaviors like e-secks.

The only good furries are the ones that aren't putting their "furry" part of themselves first. The reason I can accept them is because they do a lot more things then be a furcigarette and don't want everybody to know they are one. They are a furry the same way we are straight people, we don't shove it down your throat, we just are what we are.

Furcigarettes mostly want you to know they are a furry. Reason being is because they think it's a big deal or are so uninteresting the only thing about themselves that sticks out is being a furry. That's why on some forums and stuff furcigarettes have dumbstuff generic furry avatars and maybe even a message under their avatar like "forum.com's lewd fox" or something. That stuff only makes people look down at you or be disgusted by you.

Only 5% of furries are respectable, and I'm afraid OP does not fall under this category.

actually its "furries are mostly bad here's why"

i guess posting softcore furry smut is the best way to bait for responses considering how much y'all feel the need to respond lmfao
Now i know how to revive the furry megathread :cookie:

that's it OP, imm canceling furry 2

when you're so upset about a single image that you post 16 times in the same thread about it

REMOVE FURRY remove furry you are worst furry. you are the furry idiot you are the furry smell. return to tumblr. to our tumblr cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo....ahahahaha ,furry we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal forget but forget starfish furry stink furry trigger trigger..furry genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead furry ..ahahahahahFURRY WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget /r/examplesubreddit.furry we kill the king , furry return to your precious tumblr....hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE FURRY FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. 4hcan+reddit+9gag+facebook=kill furry...you will /r/examplesubreddit/ tupac alive in /r/examplesubreddit, tupac making album of /r/examplesubreddit . fast rap tupac /r/examplesubreddit. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac... you are ppoor stink furry... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt tupac alive numbr one #1 in /r/examplesubreddit ....forget the tumblr ,..forgetk ashol furry no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the furry farm aminal with rap magic now we the /r/examplesubreddit rule .ape of the zoo presidant Ellen Pao fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and furry wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. /r/examplesubreddit greattst subreddit

Note: Replace /r/examplesubreddit with whatever sub you're posting in.

greenbh posted something and every active furry on the forums appeared to disagree ... hmm

greenbh posted something and every active furry on the forums appeared to disagree ... hmm

the only reason you didn't post so much is cause you scared after you got banned for trying to diss me

the only reason you didn't post so much is cause you scared after you got banned for trying to diss me
>>be ike
>>eat cum
>>get mad because im called out
>>caller out gets banned
Ike:Welp . back to eating cum

>>be ike
>>eat cum
>>get mad because im called out
>>caller out gets banned
Ike:Welp . back to eating cum

what the forget

>>be ike
>>eat cum
>>get mad because im called out
>>caller out gets banned
Ike:Welp . back to eating cum
zero lung activity

nothing like going through 10 pages to epic own somebody over the intranets by quoting. yup folks, I'm owned. can't get back from this one