Author Topic: [MORE GAMING NEWS] Doom Eternal triggering SJWs because of the hologram lady  (Read 2294 times)

they think "'Demon' can be an offensive term, refer to them as 'Mortally Challenged'" is anti-immigrant
how handicapped can the SJWs get? Tune in next time.... unless there's yet ANOTHER cryptominer on steam then don't tune in next time to see SJWs getting triggered

< watching sargon of akkad
< whining about SJWs in 2018

SJWs are the loving reason demons invaded earth in the loving first place.

That's the joke.

Now here they are, proving that joke to be right.

< watching sargon of akkad
< whining about SJWs in 2018

)redtexting in the year MMXVIII

if they are the ones comparing a planetary demon invasion from hell to the current immigrant crCIA I think that makes them the tribal ones

man i cant wait for all the videos on youtube appearing in my suggestions with titles like "DOOM EPIC OWNS LIBTARDS" or "SJW OFFENDED AMAZINGLY BY DOOM"




maybe a handful of handicaps are seriously complaining about it being offensive but there are a dozen times as many handicaps laughing about how its pwning the libtards epic style. lol.

I guarantee these SJWs that are complaining have zero intention on buying the game before they heard the anti-sjw crap.

That's why appealing to these SJWs is a loss cause, they still won't buy your stuff and now you're annoying the people who will buy your stuff because you censored it.

sjws aren't gamers

with the amount of time you waste politicalposting on a lego forum I'd wager you aren't one either lmfao