Author Topic: [Tool] SuperCut Launcher (XYZ Scaling + Fill Bricks)  (Read 5882 times)

SuperCut Launcher

The SuperCut Launcher is a building tool which utilizes Zeblote's New Duplicator SuperCut to easily carve into basic bricks. The tool uses a slightly modified version of the SuperCut code, so you do not need the New Duplicator use the SuperCut Launcher.

How to Use
  • To equip, type /SCL or spawn it on a brick.
  • Use non-supershift brick bindings to change the supercut's x y z scale
  • Press Rotate Brick to flip the x and y scales
  • Press Plant Brick to toggle fill brick (if enabled in Preferences)
  • Press Cancel Brick to toggle brick name saving (also if enabled in Preferences)
  • Press mousefire1 to rip-and-tear fire the SuperCut Launcher


A cave carved into a 64x Cube in ~30 seconds. Lantern placed manually.

The tool. Batteries not included.

All preferences are RTB/Glass compatible.
  • $Pref::Server::SCL::AdminOnly - If the tool should be admin only (Default: True)
  • $Pref::Server::SCL::AdminTrustBypass - If admins can use the tool on untrusted non-public bricks. -1 = Nobody, 0 = Host, 1 = Super Admins, 2 = Admins, 3 = Everyone.
  • $Pref::Server::SCL::TrustBypassPublic - Sets who can supercut into public bricks.  Same options as Admin Trust Bypass. (Default: 0 - None)
  • $Pref::Server::SCL::BrickNameSavingEnabled - Allows non-admins, admins, or nobody to use the brick name saving option. Same options as Admin Trust Bypass.  (Default: 2 - Admins)
  • $Pref::Server::SCL::FillBricks - Sets who can use the fill brick feature. Same options as Admin Trust Bypass. (Default: 3 - Everyone)
  • $Pref::Server::SCL::BrickDamageWhitelist - Sets the named bricks that the tool can only destroy. Separate names with commas. (Default: Blank) Note: If you are directly modifying the variable through the console, call SCLUpdateBrickWhitelist() to update the list of blocks.
  • $Pref::Server::SCL::DestroyUnnamedBricks - Sets if a user can destroy an unnamed brick. BrickDamageWhitelist must be filled in.  Same options as Admin Trust Bypass. (Default: 3 - Everyone)

  • V1.1.0 - Added XYZ Scaling + fill bricks
  • V1.0.1 - Added additional permission features and fixed a bug with destroying unnamed bricks.
  • V1.0.0 - Released
Credit to Zeblote for creating the New Duplicator SuperCut code.

Blockland Glass
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 10:48:29 AM by Fastmapler »


this is the ultimate greifing tool. now we need to have a pref to make it destroy public and private bricks but superadmin only

nice to see my request fulfilled

i can see this being pretty useful!

supernut launcher  :cookieMonster:

The quantity of visible small bricks in that case is really sad. I'm guessing that's Supercuts fault

The quantity of visible small bricks in that case is really sad. I'm guessing that's Supercuts fault
ye happens when you supercut small amounts at a time, it chops up existing bricks into small parts and then when you cut those it doesnt re-calculate the entire structure

you know the gun from slime rancher? that except instead of succing slim it succ out parts of blocks
also tip for supercut in general: doors are your enemies, stay away from them as theyll forget everything up

also there needs to be an opposite tool that clumps spammed tiny bricks into big ones so you can fill up holes made with this gun and optimize terrain
« Last Edit: August 27, 2018, 01:14:01 AM by maxymax13 »

And here I have been making loving mountains and other stuff BY loving HAND.

this is the ultimate greifing tool. now we need to have a pref to make it destroy public and private bricks but superadmin only


Saying this stuff is dangerously close to being bannable

so question
why do we need a gun when we can use the normal supercut? I could understand that it makes carving into things less time consuming but unless it can factor in xyz and depths e.g 1/3 brick etc then it isn't that useful compared to a duplicator

Someone now needs to find a method to meld all the small bricks together to use the largest bricks possible  because I turned a single cube into 6,000 tiny bricks.

so question
why do we need a gun when we can use the normal supercut? I could understand that it makes carving into things less time consuming but unless it can factor in xyz and depths e.g 1/3 brick etc then it isn't that useful compared to a duplicator
I’ll add that