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Finding Dynamic Fields on SimObject

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Hello modders,

I'd like to retrieve all the "dynamic fields" from a SimObject, similar to how the GuiGroup -> InspectDlg -> InspectTitle -> InspectFields (class: GuiInspector) functions.
Now the functionality of the tree inspector is written in the C++ TGE source code and the functionality to retrieve fields appears exclusively accessible to the C++ interface.

The only solution I can think of is logging the console when doing a .dump() (bad-dum-ts), and then just use the data before you reach the Methods: line.

That solution seems a bit silly, it would work, but I'd like to know, if there might better solution. Has anyone encountered this problem before?

I'm curious as to what you're using this for. Checking for lines in the console is a bad idea. It would be much easier to .save() the object and read the file.

It could be saved and read, that's true. That's probably better, since I just realised the ConsoleLogger saves to path as well, so there's no point in using .dump() when I do not require information on methods.

Tagged fields? Sorry, it's been forever since I've worked with these.

--- Code: ---%index = 0;
while((%field = %object.getTaggedField(%index)) !$= "")
//do stuff here
%index ++;
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: Greek2me on August 28, 2018, 09:47:06 PM ---Tagged fields? Sorry, it's been forever since I've worked with these.

--- Code: ---%index = 0;
while((%field = %object.getTaggedField(%index)) !$= "")
//do stuff here
%index ++;
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
Thank you.


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