Author Topic: [news?] [tinythread] so what's the deal with nike lately?  (Read 4117 times)

Have you talked about this, have you heard about it?

What's the deal with nike lately? There is some controversy around nike or something?

I couldn't find anything about this in the news but it seems news worthy because everyone on social media is expressing their frustration with nike
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 12:43:44 PM by King Tøny »

what is nika

do you mean nike

conservative idiots destroying stuff they already paid for

conservative idiots destroying stuff they already paid for

That makes sense I guess.

I mean while I agree with the premise of the above picture it's gotten to the point of crossposting

is it still crossposting if i use it

is it still crossposting if i use it
I mean not technically, the way I understand the rule is that crossposting is posting the same stuff in multiple boards/threads repeatedly

khorde I find your image funny but you need to listen to me when I say you're gonna get forgeted with crossposting.

pepsi-level marketing

get woke go broke

oh it's just conservatives acting like the sjws they make fun of again? imagine my shock

oh it's just conservatives acting like the sjws they make fun of again? imagine my shock

I don't think you know what SJW is.

It's called antifa.