Author Topic: call of duty blackout  (Read 795 times)

anyone else in the beta? i honestly just dont like br games and the fact that they disabled aim assist on controllers for pc (except for zombies) i honestly feel like i will never touch this mode lol
do u enjoy it because i think its just meh & especially when you just landed and are running around it feels like you are in a unity sandbox with a free unity store playable character until you pick up a gun. then youre just in a unity sandbox in where you know are some good classic maps (but where?)

anyone else in the beta? i honestly just dont like br games and the fact that they disabled aim assist on controllers for pc (except for zombies) i honestly feel like i will never touch this mode lol
do u enjoy it because i think its just meh & especially when you just landed and are running around it feels like you are in a unity sandbox with a free unity store playable character until you pick up a gun. then youre just in a unity sandbox in where you know are some good classic maps (but where?)

I think it's good, it takes the fun stuff of fortnite and removes the building and makes it like PUBG except the controls are responsive and the gunplay is fun. If you need aim assist to play call of duty god help you.

Damn good. First good Call of Duty in a long ass time. The good thing about this is it won't be plagued by pay to win like Black Ops 3. Hoping the paid stuff is just skins. Basically PUBG but not stuff.

If you need aim assist to play call of duty god help you.
nah i dont i was top 200 eu on black ops 2 back in the day and then also have over 1300 hours in csgo so i know how to shoot im just a lazy forget and wanna sit back in my big ass chair with a controller and not slouch forward with a mouse and keyboard. br is just something im so disinterested in sitting straight and moving my arms for mouse and keyboard isnt worth it

played some more today before it closes and yeah this is hot garbage i wish it was multiplayer beta