Author Topic: [NEWS] [autism warning] Furcigarette exposed for being a dogforgeter+  (Read 24017 times)

The lesson that needs to be taught is that people can and will use the worst people in a group as a weapon to generalize and it's usually done in poor faith. The only good solution to these people is to make fun of (read: peer pressure) them until they're too scared to share their bad opinions with the public.

The lesson that needs to be taught is that people can and will use the worst people in a group as a weapon to generalize and it's usually done in poor faith. The only good solution to these people is to make fun of (read: peer pressure) them until they're too scared to share their bad opinions with the public.
That's the second step in this life changing plan

Making fun of them empowers them. Every LGBTQRSTUV furry which has a richard and is somehow a transgirl will tell you some bullstuff that makes their richard hard as soon as you make a minor mistake and possibly annoy you to death but that isn't all furries ofcourse. The only reason the real furcigarettes are still a thing is because they have thick enough skulls to handle people telling them off for perfectly valid reasons and the ones which are not braindead are regular old silent majority

I think you misunderstood my post, Unova. I'm talking about people like you.

It would be the best outcome if you decided you never wanted to share your opinions with anyone here again.

What exactly do you consider "shoving the lgbtq stuff down people's throats"?

I've only ever encountered one person that I would consider as having been far too vocal in their loveuality (and this is coming from someone who hangs around furries a lot): I was playing cards against humanity with some friends, in a semi-public setting where anyone was welcome to join, someone played a card that said "what to do with all this chocolate on my snake?" and this guy none of us knew just responds by saying "ooohh I would lick it all off mmmmm because I'm sooo gay"

I think you misunderstood my post, Unova. I'm talking about people like you.

It would be the best outcome if you decided you never wanted to share your opinions with anyone here again.
density: max

density: max

lol loving thot, you were in 100% agreement that everyone else should be mercilessly bullied but the minute you're on the line you freak out

furries are socially unacceptable

i love that the only argument people can come up with against “vocal minority” is that people say it a lot therefore it must be untrue

lol loving thot, you were in 100% agreement that everyone else should be mercilessly bullied but the minute you're on the line you freak out
what line you actually dense furcigarette

unova is trying really hard guys

What exactly do you consider "shoving the lgbtq stuff down people's throats"?
constant gay pride marches, LGBTQ week is a thing now in my school, on the social media it is spread like wildfire, the constant vidoes on youtube about how people are gay, the constant insta pics of people typing paragraphs on their gay pride, gay people disclosing they are gay when they meet someone new, the list goes on. I am Jewish but I don't constantly bicker to people that I'm Jewish, if you want to be gay then that is perfectly fine but please do not show it off and spread it like wildfire. It is not needed.

Off topic:
also have you realized that a majority of these LGBTQ people never say anything about the dehumanization of gays in Arab countries?. Arabs wipe their asses with gay people, why is it on social media they never point this out? you see if you want true acceptance you'd go out and march for your brothers that are constantly pelted in other parts of the world, not shove it in other peoples faces
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 04:37:32 PM by Mouse droidz 21 »