your the only person in this entire thread that gave any sort of positive criticism at all, and it was totally forced. ... At least my response is genuine and reflects my actual feelings on this 'project'. Your little 'good luck' bit is just compulsatory
i woulda said it anyway but i didn't look at this thread til then, i didn't say it because of what you said. i say that kinda stuff a lot because i care and i love spreading good vibes
Miss me with this 'your opinion wasn't needed' bullstuff because guaranteed I didn't post here any one of you forgeters would've said something just as mean.
and we would have said the same thing if someone else also said this stuff, what's your point? we're not saying this stuff back to ya because of who you are
and if anything, will just encourage OP to adopt whatever terrible game design practices he's trying to explore. In the end your support will only damage him
ya me simply saying good luck will do that i'm sure
If you really want him to have the best of luck on his project, you'd be pointing out the several glaring loving issues that are plaguing this stuff and bringing them to his attention so he can fix it. That's what I've been doing
good for you but you could be less of a richard about it. that way people will be more inclined to listen to what you have to say instead of this and could risk even discouraging them completely instead of actually improving like you want. that's our whole point. just because you're giving criticism along with it doesn't make it automatically ok to do
this looks terrible and I hope you lose motivation and never finish it.
oh wait nevermind, you don't actually want him to improve and would rather he get it all right the first time around my mistake